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Date1998-05-30 17:19
FromCharles Baker
=cw4t7abs wrote:

> www.symbolicsound.com
> >Any comments, in private or on list, would be more than welcome.

Ah, Antiorp has uncovered Kyma:
One of my dream tools. Real-time (or not), graphically edited
music making processes....
all in all, I'd rather have Kyma...
Carla S.and Kurt H. are awfully nice people, to boot.

Back on the topic of everybody's fav freeware, in a few weeks, I hope to
release ver0.5beta of my Csound Scorefile editing

This is a call for ideas..for me to incorporate or ignore.

Are there any editing commands one would like to see?
(for example, we got: set, scale, shift, paramater Value, apply env.
breakpoint), invert around, and several value converters...as well as
ability to select the edited lines by start-time, >,<,or == arb.
value.  also a few value generators. And the whole thing is embedded in
The basic program flow is :
1)load orc/sco combo: (go through orc setup program, if
first time using orc with editor)(also this editor will (to the best of
it's ability), replace score shortcuts (.,>, etc.) in scores. It also
has the limitation that it only can edit one section at a time.)
2) either enter arbitrary Perl to be evaluated, or
    be prompted through edits
3) listen to and/or save the results as ?
4) back to 2, or EXIT.