| Wow, this csound list has got a lot of off-topic posts lately. I know, I
probably contribute to some of them. I hate to complain about this, and
I'm not, really, it's more of an observation.
Should the name of this list be changed? What the new name would be, I'm
not sure. It is certainly *not* a Csound list any more.
In fact, it seems to be not even limited to software synthesis.
This is not another complaint against c4tabs, in fact the "pencil"
discourse was very intriguing, and I'm glad the antiporp decided to
write in a conventional language this time.
But it has nothing to do with csound.
So what should be done with this list? Personally, most of the topics
discussed here are of interest to me. But less than half of the messages
are actually specific to csound. And i think that this may be true of
many, if not most, readers, judging by the lack of complaints about
non-csound posts.
Should this list be somehow renamed to something more general?
There are probably a lot of potential readers and contributers that are
left out because they think this is a csound list, which it is not.
=cw4t7abs wrote:
> >pencil
> It is possible to take a cannonball apart into finitely many pieces, and
> put those pieces together to
-- Larry Troxler -- lt@westnet.com -- Patterson, NY USA --