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Re: detectbuggypittch.tch.tch.tchaschka.tchaj.

Date1999-08-24 16:51
SubjectRe: detectbuggypittch.tch.tch.tchaschka.tchaj.
gelida@intercom.es ezkr!z

>"Matt J. Ingalls" escribió:
>> ive had better luck with counting samples between maxima (above a
>> above threshold) rather than using zero crossings... just read your
>> description not your orch so i dont know exactly what you are doing...
>Ok I see the instrument *can* indeed be improved a lot, first of all detecting
>only positive or negative zero crossings, eventually detect different notable
>points (maxima, minima, +&- zero crossings) and weight the results, then get
>the fractional part with some kind of movable mean. Also, discard too short
>periods based on a first estimated pitch.
>Any other idea?

!mprov!ng odrz = 1eczusz !2 !mprov zelv +?

> ... I´ll improve the tracker.

Life is like a landscape. You live in the midst of it, but can describe it
only from the vantage point of distance.  -Charles A. Lindbergh

a landscape Life is like. in the midst of it live You but can describe
from the vantage of distance point only it

Life is Lifelike can You describe only the midst of it
Ok I see the instrument indeed. *can* be improved a lot.

szuposz du = dez!r 2 add thought aftr thought 2 ur m9ndkonta!nr unt!l !t =
f!lz +?

dze prozesz = mozt klearl! undrztood !f du = ztart u!th nodz!ng

- first estimated pitch. =1 1
!t = reku!rz 1 !nf!n!t amnt ov pakag!ng 2 ztore nodz!ng


                                                     |  +----------
                                                    |  |     <
                                   \\----------------+  |  n2t
                                                       |       >