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Tutorials - Yes I have them.

Date1999-09-13 04:01
FromDavid Boothe
SubjectTutorials - Yes I have them.
Yes, I have the tutorials, but only in Acrobat format right now. They are
in the Supplement. You can get it from:


The tutorials never (well, rarely) change. The manual changes constantly.
Some people do not use the tutorials, so it makes sense to put them in
another volume. They are out of the way if you don't need them, but
available if you do. And they don't get in the way of manual maintence, you
don't have to download them unless you want to, etc., etc. 

In maintaining the Acrobat manual, I have tried to arrange it so that one
needs print as few pages as possible with each update, and simply add or
replace them into an existing copy. After all. I and many others like to
have an up-to-date hard copy of the manual, but don't own a paper mill, or
don't want to deforest the earth, or whatever.

Recently, the manual has become so unwieldy that its organization has
suffered and updates are large - sometimes as much as 1/3 the entire
manual. With the manual now at 400++ pages, that's a lot pf reprinting
every few weeks. I don't like this personally, I'm sure others don't
either. That is why it is undergoing major overhaul - to make maintenance
easier on my end, and updating your copy more efficient on your end.

It just makes more sense to have tutorials in a separate volume. If you
want them, please get the supplement. BTW, Dr. Boulanger has updated his
tutorial since the Bath manual.

Thanks to all for your support.


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Date1999-09-13 14:48
FromLarry Troxler
SubjectApologies, Re: Tutorials - Yes I have them.
I've been doing nothing but complaining lately. David, my apologies.
I'm glad to see the omission of the tutorials was intentional and an
oversight. Naturally, my first thought on finding this was to wonder what
else might then be missing. 

Thanks also for explaining the need for the reorganisation. I guess I
should have been paying more attention to the posts on this list.

If your version is indeed the currently maintained one, then I hope it
could be posted on the Bath site. I think this would make it more

Larry Troxler

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Date:     Mon, 13 Sep 99 15:49:21 BST
From: J P Fitch 
To: Larry Troxler 
cc: David Boothe , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject:  Re:  Apologies, Re: Tutorials - Yes I have them.
Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

...may I add that teh manual on what remains of teh Bath site was just what 
I was sent at some time.  I am not resposible fo rdocumentation --- basically
as a professional CS guy I just do not do that kind of thing.  If it
was difficult to write it shoudl be difficult to use(:-)

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Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 19:27:12 +0530
Subject: Re: Yamaha SoundVQ  alternative to mp3
From: Drew Skyfyre 
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>> Downside : it takes ages to encode. About 20 mins for a 38.7 MB (3:49 mins
>> long) stereo AIFF file on my 233MHz G3 PowerMac.
> Time for a G4@500, Drew!
By the time I can afford one, there'll probably be a G4@750...

> P.S. Have a look to the sound encoders that come with Quicktime 4. That is
> compression! You dont need the Pro version, just use MoviePlayer 2.5 (you
> keep a copy, dont you?)
> Javier Ruiz (still married with a Supra 28.800)

Javier, you sly dog you... Thanks a bunch for letting us in on this.

Like a good little upgrader, I'd moved from QT 2.5 to QT 3 to QT 4,
all the while getting rid of earlier versions of all components.

I dug up QT 2.5 off a CD-ROM, & reinstalled only MoviePlayer 2.5

It encodes !!!

So, using a test file, I tried 4 diiferent encoders :
- mPecker (I still use it by turning the clock back on my Mac, he he he... )
- Apple Quicktime 4 with MoviePlayer 2.5 (.mov format)
- Yamaha Sound VQ (.vqf format)
- RealProducer (.rm format)

Here's the result & my observations :
format        file size      quality
mp3            2.7 MB        best. marginally better than QT.
128kbps stereo

mov            1.2 MB        pretty darn good, but mp3 is a little better
40kbps  stereo               but consider the file size !

vqf            1.6 MB        close to QT .mov, but larger file, and much
40kbps  stereo               smaller user base.

rm             480 kb        encoded for 28.8 kbps streaming, acceptable for
                             the purpose. I could have tried encoding at a
                             higher rate, but since this is essentially
                             a streaming format, it's moot.

Drew Skyfyre (still single & broke with a ProLink 33.600)

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Subject: re:problem with loscil
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    I'm sending the orc & sco, but i don't think it's a good idea to
send the samples!!

    Anyhow, the clicks are "one sample out of range", only. But we can
hear them alright. And they are only on the right channel!

    I tried it with some other samples, some do clicks some don't .
I tried to play them with other softwares (like  Peak, soundapp, etc...)
with a positive result (no clicks!). Anyhow, i send the orc& scos, and
if someone wants to ttest with the samples i can compress them and send
them personally to him.


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f8	0	0	1	8	0	4	0	
f13	0	0	1	13	0	4	0 ;clip on right chnl(one sample out of range)	
f14	0	0	1	14	0	4	0 ;clip on right chnl	
;p1	p2	p3	p4	p5	p6	p7	p8	

i2	9.6540	13.0000	8	261.6260	10000	0	0.0100	
i2	9.3620	12.4730	13	146.8320	8000	0	0.0100	
i2	3.9360	13.0000	8	261.6260	10000	0	0.0100	
i2	1.4750	4.0000	14	261.6260	8000	0	0.0100	
i2	0.7670	13.0000	8	261.6260	10000	0	0.0100	

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sr= 44100
kr= 44100 
ksmps=  1 
nchnls= 2

instr 1 
ifno  =  p4
aenv  linen  p7,p8,p3,p9
asig  loscil  aenv,p6,ifno,261.626	
     outs  asig*p5,asig*(1-p5)

instr 2 
aenv  linenr  p6,p7,p3,p8
asig1,asig2  loscil  aenv,p5,p4,261.626
     outs  asig1,asig2


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Who is this saint, who, from time to time, offer us all the new versions of
the Csound manual, in any format _useful_ for consulting it, and quietly
accepting the suggestions of other users, without a complaint?

Thank you very much David, for your enormous effort keeping the manual tidy=

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          13 Sep 99 23:49 BST
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To: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" , 
    "J. Ffitch" 
Subject: problem with fmmetal
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Read the following text carefully. Perhaps one of you can help me.

begin text
I think this command, fmmetal, needs some work. I get static and AM
noises with it.
What did I do wrong?
I suspect it is with kc1 or kc2 or both. I did not know what to put


sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1

; global volume
givol = 0.2

;      instrument for miditrack 1

	instr 1

; ------- included from d:\samples/fmmetal.orc ------

;instr 1
kfreq   = p5
kamp    = p4
kc1     = 1
kc2     = 1
kvdepth = 0.05
kvrate  = 0.05
ifn1    = 18
ifn2    = 1
ifn3    = 1
ifn4    = 18
iv      = 18

a1 fmmetal kamp,kfreq,kc1,kc2, kvdepth, kvrate, ifn1, ifn2, ifn3, ifn4,
a2 butterlp a1, 1000
 aright = a2; right;
 aleft = a2; leftl;
;out a1
; ------- end include ------

	out aright*(givol*1.00)



f1  0 4096  10   1  0  .5 0 .5

f18  0 4096 10   1

f19  0 4096 10   1  .5 .333 .25 .2 .166 .142 .125 .111 .1 .09 .083 .076
.071 .066 .062
; LIFEFORM.MID - Csound score
; created by Midi2Cs 0.95
; Mon Sep 13 17:23:07 1999

; qticks: 192
; trackname: Lt. Cmdr. Data
; time: 01/04 beat
; time: 24 clocks per quarter note
; time: 08 notated 32-nd notes in a MIDI quarter-note
; key signature sf=0 mi=0
;	(sf: -7=7flats  -1=1flat  0=key of C  1=1sharp  7=7sharps
;	mi: 0=major key  1=minor key)
; time: 04/04 beat
; time: 24 clocks per quarter note
; time: 08 notated 32-nd notes in a MIDI quarter-note
; tempo
t 0 120.0000 
;      miditrack 1     instrument 1
; p1 = instr
; p2 = start
; p3 = duration
; trackname: tk1
; meta event 0x20 - 0x0
; volume control 69
; pan control 64
; program number 0 (GM Acoustic Grand)
i01    0.00000   1.0000  25000   164.81378 ;  E0 ch01 
i01    1.00000   1.5000  25000  5274.04091 ;  E5 ch01 
i01    1.00000   1.5000  25000  1318.51023 ;  E3 ch01 
i01    2.50000   1.0000  25000  5919.91076 ; F#5 ch01 
i01    2.50000   1.0000  25000  1479.97769 ; F#3 ch01 
i01    3.50000   0.5000  25000  7040.00000 ;  A5 ch01 
i01    3.50000   0.5000  25000  3520.00000 ;  A4 ch01
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bad loop points.
rapid k-rate freq change.
no envelope on note-off.

Or, I have a set of AIFF files that have copyright
chunck at end.  As I remember, csound played the copyright
chunck very faithfully.  Sounded like a click though.

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          13 Sep 99 23:54 BST
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Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 17:48:06 -0500
From: Sherlock 
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To: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" , 
    "J. Ffitch" 
Subject: problem with fmmetal
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Read the following text carefully. Perhaps one of you can help me.

begin text
I think this command, fmmetal, needs some work. I get static and AM
noises with it.
What did I do wrong?
I suspect it is with kc1 or kc2 or both. I did not know what to put


sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1

; global volume
givol = 0.2

;      instrument for miditrack 1

	instr 1

; ------- included from d:\samples/fmmetal.orc ------

;instr 1
kfreq   = p5
kamp    = p4
kc1     = 1
kc2     = 1
kvdepth = 0.05
kvrate  = 0.05
ifn1    = 18
ifn2    = 1
ifn3    = 1
ifn4    = 18
iv      = 18

a1 fmmetal kamp,kfreq,kc1,kc2, kvdepth, kvrate, ifn1, ifn2, ifn3, ifn4,
a2 butterlp a1, 1000
 aright = a2; right;
 aleft = a2; leftl;
;out a1
; ------- end include ------

	out aright*(givol*1.00)



f1  0 4096  10   1  0  .5 0 .5

f18  0 4096 10   1

f19  0 4096 10   1  .5 .333 .25 .2 .166 .142 .125 .111 .1 .09 .083 .076
.071 .066 .062
; LIFEFORM.MID - Csound score
; created by Midi2Cs 0.95
; Mon Sep 13 17:23:07 1999

; qticks: 192
; trackname: Lt. Cmdr. Data
; time: 01/04 beat
; time: 24 clocks per quarter note
; time: 08 notated 32-nd notes in a MIDI quarter-note
; key signature sf=0 mi=0
;	(sf: -7=7flats  -1=1flat  0=key of C  1=1sharp  7=7sharps
;	mi: 0=major key  1=minor key)
; time: 04/04 beat
; time: 24 clocks per quarter note
; time: 08 notated 32-nd notes in a MIDI quarter-note
; tempo
t 0 120.0000 
;      miditrack 1     instrument 1
; p1 = instr
; p2 = start
; p3 = duration
; trackname: tk1
; meta event 0x20 - 0x0
; volume control 69
; pan control 64
; program number 0 (GM Acoustic Grand)
i01    0.00000   1.0000  25000   164.81378 ;  E0 ch01 
i01    1.00000   1.5000  25000  5274.04091 ;  E5 ch01 
i01    1.00000   1.5000  25000  1318.51023 ;  E3 ch01 
i01    2.50000   1.0000  25000  5919.91076 ; F#5 ch01 
i01    2.50000   1.0000  25000  1479.97769 ; F#3 ch01 
i01    3.50000   0.5000  25000  7040.00000 ;  A5 ch01 
i01    3.50000   0.5000  25000  3520.00000 ;  A4 ch01
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Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:02:09 +0000
From: Tobiah 
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To: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" 
Subject: Re: problem with fmmetal
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
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> I think this command, fmmetal, needs some work. I get static and AM
> radio noises with it.

It is a known bug with fmmetal that it is vulnerable to AM radio
frequency interference.  I sometimes pick up Limbaugh on one of
my orcs.  You can try padding the line holding the opcode with
white space, or if the interference is severe, you may have to
get a metal project box from radio shack, and enclose the fmmetal
opcode in that.  Be sure to use balanced, shielded cables to connect
the opcode to the rest of your orc.  Also be careful to insulate the
fmmetal from the project box or you may overload your dacs with
infinity values (they look like zeros, but are much more dangerous),
and run the risk of creating a short to the bit-bucket through your
body.  This is how Hendrix got started.

losing it.


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Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:10:07 -0500
From: Sherlock 
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MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Tobiah , 
    "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" , 
    "J. Ffitch" 
Subject: Re: problem with fmmetal
References: <37DD7F25.52FFF22D@netzero.net> <37DD8271.B5932715@rcsreg.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Tobiah wrote:
> > I think this command, fmmetal, needs some work. I get static and AM
> > radio noises with it.
> It is a known bug with fmmetal that it is vulnerable to AM radio
> frequency interference.  I sometimes pick up Limbaugh on one of
> my orcs.  You can try padding the line holding the opcode with
> white space, or if the interference is severe, you may have to
> get a metal project box from radio shack, and enclose the fmmetal
> opcode in that.  Be sure to use balanced, shielded cables to connect
> the opcode to the rest of your orc.  Also be careful to insulate the
> fmmetal from the project box or you may overload your dacs with
> infinity values (they look like zeros, but are much more dangerous),
> and run the risk of creating a short to the bit-bucket through your
> body.  This is how Hendrix got started.
> losing it.
> Toby
I'm glad you have a sense of humor, Toby. White space? OK, I'll try
I've been learning these command for the past three years. It did not
make sense until I printed out the manual.
Now, I'm trying each one.
See you later
NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa01192;
          14 Sep 99 0:15 BST
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	by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
	id 11Qe9q-0004Iq-00
	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Mon, 13 Sep 1999 23:01:06 +0100
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Message-ID: <37DD844E.627BD16C@netzero.net>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 18:10:07 -0500
From: Sherlock 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.61 [en] (Win98; I)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Tobiah , 
    "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" , 
    "J. Ffitch" 
Subject: Re: problem with fmmetal
References: <37DD7F25.52FFF22D@netzero.net> <37DD8271.B5932715@rcsreg.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Tobiah wrote:
> > I think this command, fmmetal, needs some work. I get static and AM
> > radio noises with it.
> It is a known bug with fmmetal that it is vulnerable to AM radio
> frequency interference.  I sometimes pick up Limbaugh on one of
> my orcs.  You can try padding the line holding the opcode with
> white space, or if the interference is severe, you may have to
> get a metal project box from radio shack, and enclose the fmmetal
> opcode in that.  Be sure to use balanced, shielded cables to connect
> the opcode to the rest of your orc.  Also be careful to insulate the
> fmmetal from the project box or you may overload your dacs with
> infinity values (they look like zeros, but are much more dangerous),
> and run the risk of creating a short to the bit-bucket through your
> body.  This is how Hendrix got started.
> losing it.
> Toby
I'm glad you have a sense of humor, Toby. White space? OK, I'll try
I've been learning these command for the past three years. It did not
make sense until I printed out the manual.
Now, I'm trying each one.
See you later
NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Received: from shaun.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa01309;
          14 Sep 99 1:14 BST
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	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Tue, 14 Sep 1999 01:14:26 +0100
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	Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:10:12 -0400 (EDT)
Message-ID: <37DD90E6.3EBE2911@westnet.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 00:03:50 +0000
From: Larry Troxler 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (X11; I; Linux 2.0.36 i586)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Tobiah 
CC: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" 
Subject: [OT] Re: problem with fmmetal
References: <37DD7F25.52FFF22D@netzero.net> <37DD8271.B5932715@rcsreg.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
Precedence: bulk

Tobiah wrote:
> > I think this command, fmmetal, needs some work. I get static and AM
> > radio noises with it.
> It is a known bug with fmmetal that it is vulnerable to AM radio
> frequency interference.  I sometimes pick up Limbaugh on one of
> my orcs.  

Assuming you're here in the US, you could try sampling one of the Radio
Pacifica stations (independent radio). Here in the New York area you
could try WBAI.  Sample an excerpt of any number of their programs (the
Pacifica news, for example), and then use the "balance" ugen in
conjunction with the Limbaugh orc. My experience is that the result is
often fairly close to the center, although my lowly P100 is sometimes
not up to the task of mixing the two.
Hope this helps.

Larry Troxler

Received: from wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk by omphalos.maths.Bath.AC.UK id aa02279;
          14 Sep 99 10:51 BST
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	by wallace.maths.bath.ac.uk with esmtp (Exim 2.12 #1)
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	for jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk; Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:36:39 +0100
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Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 09:45:33 +0100
From: "K.H" 
Reply-To: karmha@club-internet.fr
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To: "csound@maths.ex.ac.uk" 
Subject: re:loscil problem
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Precedence: bulk

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Thanks Tobiah,

there's no loop points in the samples:
bad loop points.

I tried with a larger krate with the same result
rapid k-rate freq change.

I tried also an enveloppe for note-off
no envelope on note-off.

 I beleive it's the last reason invoked.

->Or, I have a set of AIFF files that have copyright
chunck at end.  As I remember, csound played the copyright
chunck very faithfully.  Sounded like a click though.

And it seems that the problem is in the middle of the sound
ANd my problematic sample was taken from a commercial CD. So how can we
view the copyright chunk and edit it, although it's not really legal,
it's just to confirm the problem which in this case is due to the sample
and not to loscil?


Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Thanks Tobiah,


there's no loop points in the samples:
bad loop points.

I tried with a larger krate with the same result
rapid k-rate freq change.

I tried also an enveloppe for note-off
no envelope on note-off.

 I beleive it's the last reason invoked.

->Or, I have a set of AIFF files that have copyright
chunck at end.  As I remember, csound played the copyright
chunck very faithfully.  Sounded like a click though.

And it seems that the problem is in the middle of the sound
ANd my problematic sample was taken from a commercial CD. So how can we view the copyright chunk and edit it, although it's not really legal, it's just to confirm the problem which in this case is due to the sample and not to loscil?

karim --------------85354A1F167EADEFBBBBFB22--