| Hello all... with your indulgence, several questions, the first of which
follows (the others in separate postings).
I am working with the newest version of Csound for PPC (3.48? 3.49? whichever
was most recently posted to Mills College's FTP site). I am excited about the
new opcodes, it's an early Christmas present. I discover with glee that the
McGill project on head transfers is implemented here in a ginchy new opcode
called HRTFER, and with lab smock on, I attempt to send an AIFF file through
the opcode for output. However, Perf promptly chokes, falls down and dies,
saying it cannot find the file HRTFcompact.
My question, then: should I already have this file? (When I extracted the file
after download, it only contained Csound and Perf, or seemed to.) If
HRTFcompact isn't part of that package and I need to download it separately,
from where would I do that? (I went back to Mills' FTP world and looked for
evidence of that file, but found nothing, but I might not have been looking in
the right place.)
Thanks in advance for the bandwidth...
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