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Another Delay Example

Date1999-04-28 04:47
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectAnother Delay Example

Here is a bit of noise with a delay example mostly for Pat's benefit.

Hope this works,
Hans Mikelson

sr     =    44100           ; Sample rate
kr     =    22050           ; Control rate
ksmps  =    2               ; Samples per control period
nchnls =    2               ; Number of channels = stereo
gaol   init 0        ; Initialize the global variable for the left channel
gaor   init 0        ; Initialie right global

      instr   5

idur  =       p3          ; Duration
iamp  =       p4          ; Amplitude
ifqc  =       cpspch(p5)  ; Convert pitch to frequency
ie1   =       p6          ; Envelope 1 table
ie2   =       p7          ; Envelope 2 table
ipanl =       sqrt(p8)    ; Equal power panning left
ipanr =       sqrt(1-p8)  ; Equal power panning right

kenv1 oscil   1, 1/idur, ie1 ; Use 1/idur trick to make a flexible envelope
kenv2 oscil   1, 1/idur, ie2 ; Do it again.

aamp  linseg  0, .01, iamp, idur-.02, iamp, .005, 0, .005, 0 ; Declick
                                           ; be sure to leave it at zero a
                                           ; while at the end to
                                           ; avoid DC offset in the delay
                                           ; loop
aamp2 expseg  .5, idur-.01, 1, .01, .1     ; Amplitude envelope, fade in
                                           ; fade out fast.
achy  cauchy  kenv1                        ; Cauchy random number generator
                                           ; Env1 controls the distribution
aout  oscil   1, (achy+1)*ifqc*kenv2, 1    ; Frequency modulation by Cauchy
                                           ; Env2 controls FM amount

aol   =        aout*aamp*aamp2*ipanl       ; Left out signal with pan
aor   =        aout*aamp*aamp2*ipanr       ; Right out signal with pan
gaol  =       gaol+aol                     ; Accumlate in the globals
gaor  =       gaor+aor                     ; so polyphony is handled.

      outs    aol, aor                     ; Stereo out


       instr   50           ; Delay instrument

idur   =       p3           ; Duration
igainl =       p4           ; Left feedback gain
itiml  =       p5           ; Left delay time
ifcol  =       p6           ; Left low frequency cut off
igainr =       p7           ; Ditto for right side
itimr  =       p8
ifcor  =       p9

afltl  init    0            ; Must initialize the loop back for
afltr  init    0            ; delay feedback

aamp  linseg  0, .005, 1, idur-.01, 1, .005, 0 ; Declick is needed here too

adell delay   (gaol+afltl)*igainl, itiml ; Delay the global signals and
adelr delay   (gaor+afltr)*igainr, itimr ; feedback the filtered signal

afltl butterlp adell, ifcol              ; Low pass filter for mellower echo
afltr butterlp adelr, ifcor

gaol  =        0            ; Zero out the globals so they don't blow up
gaor  =        0

      outs    adell*aamp, adelr*aamp ; Declick and output

f1 0 65536 10 1 ; High resolution sine wave

f6 0 1024  -5 .01 1024 100000 ; Controls width of random distribution
f7 0 1024  -5 1   1024 12     ; Pitch bend

;   Sta  Dur  Amp    Pitch  Env1  Env2  Pan
i5  .00  .2  12000   6.00   6     7     .5
i5  .02  .4   .      6.01   6     7     .1
i5  .04  .6   .      6.02   6     7     .8
i5  .06  .8   .      6.03   6     7     .4

i5 2.00  .2  10000   7.00   6     7     .5
i5 2.02  .4   .      7.01   6     7     .1
i5 2.04  .6   .      7.02   6     7     .8
i5 2.06  .8   .      7.03   6     7     .4

i5 3.00  .1   8000   7.09   6     7     .5
i5 3.03  .4   .      7.05   6     7     .1
i5 3.05  .4   .      7.11   6     7     .8
i5 3.09  .9   .      8.04   6     7     .4

i5 3.20  .2   8000   6.00   6     7     .5
i5 3.32 1.4   .      5.01   6     7     .1
i5 3.44  .6   .      6.02   6     7     .8
i5 3.56  .8   .      7.03   6     7     .4

i5 3.60 1.5   7000   9.00   6     7     .5
i5 3.72  .8   .      7.01   6     7     .1
i5 3.94  .6   .      6.02   6     7     .8
i5 4.26  .2   .      7.03   6     7     .4

;   Sta  Dur  FeedBk Time  Fco  FeedBk Time Fco
i50 0    6    .32    .20   700  .30    .21  720