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Re: sorry, more on piano etc

Date1999-06-18 21:49
FromJim Smitherman
SubjectRe: sorry, more on piano etc
I'm not sure what you mean:  I originally downloaded the files from the bath
server in whatever mode they came when asked to come to me.  Somehow, I
think you mean something different.  I've not understood that ;se SSDIR etc
thing myself, I have my environment setup as generally the case for input
soundfiles, etc.  have had problems just getting the files to find the
samples, but I finally got them to do that.  they read them in, but do
noting with them.

The files themselves seem fine (the bosendorfers I mean), I can open them in
Cool Edit, they sound great, so 'horribly corrupt' seems unlikely, but then,
obviously something is very wrong.

All the code I included in the message is the original code as comes from
the example files on Bath server.  Some of the error messages in output (I'm
using winsound) seem surprised to encoundter different sample rates for the
piano samples than the orc, but tweaking that seemed to make no difference.
What am I missing?  I will run the utilities you suggest on the files, and
see what can be seen.  Thanks for your input.

----- Original Message -----
From: Tobiah 
To: Csound List 
Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: sorry, more on piano etc

> Jim Smitherman wrote:
> >
> > thanks for all help.
> >>
> > f1 0 0 1 "Bosendorfer/BOSEN mf A0 st" 0 4 0 ;set SSDIR =
> > /ti/sound/bv/Samples
> Umm... you ftp'd the sound files in ASCII mode?