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Re: table and phasor

Date1999-07-22 08:19
FromPaul Winkler
SubjectRe: table and phasor
Stan Olejarz wrote:
> Just a quick question from a rookie Csounder.How do you calculate the file
> size?

use sndinfo, a great utility that comes with csound.
For instance:

[pw@slink drums]$ sndinfo church_spirit_kick.wav 
church_spirit_kick.wav: WAVE, 15082  samples
        WAVE soundfile
        srate 44100, monaural, 16 bit shorts, 0.34 seconds
        headersiz 44, datasiz 30164 (15082 sample frames)

If you insist on doing it by hand... let's see if I can do it right:
file size in bytes = (length in seconds * sampling rate) * (bits / 8) *
(number of channels)

e.g. for a 5-second, 16-bit, 44.1kHz, 2-channel file, you get:
5 * 44100 * (16/8) *2 = 882000 bytes.

But I think you really want to know the number of samples. That's just
length in seconds * sampling rate
e.g. 5 * 44100 = 220500 samples.

----------------    paul winkler    ------------------
slinkP arts:  music, sound, illustration, design, etc.

zarmzarm@hotmail.com   --or-- slinkp AT ulster DOT net