| Hi Sergey, Csounders:
I'm sending the following file again. My email program formatted the
.sco file in such a way that the comments leaked over into following
lines, which would cause syntax errors. The following should load with
no problems. BTW, are there any good conventions to follow when sending
.orc and .sco files, so that everyone can read them?
Sean Costello
; glisssando.orc
; Coded by Sean Costello, costello@seanet.com
; November 4, 1998
; This is a version of J.C. Risset's "endless glissando,"
; as described in Dogde and Jerse, "Computer Music: Synthesis,
; Composition and Performance," 2nd edition, p. 106-7.
sr = 22050
kr = 2205
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1
instr 10
; Determines rate of glissando
irate = p4
; Determines max amplitude of each oscillator
iamp = p5
; Determines direction of glissando, by selecting
; from two different tables in the score.
; 3 selects a glissando that falls in pitch,
; 4 selects a glissando that rises in pitch.
itable = p6
kosc1a oscili iamp, irate, 2, 0
kosc1b oscili 10000, irate, itable, 0
aosc1 oscili kosc1a, kosc1b, 1
kosc2a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .1
kosc2b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .1
aosc2 oscili kosc2a, kosc2b, 1
kosc3a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .2
kosc3b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .2
aosc3 oscili kosc3a, kosc3b, 1
kosc4a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .3
kosc4b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .3
aosc4 oscili kosc4a, kosc4b, 1
kosc5a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .4
kosc5b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .4
aosc5 oscili kosc5a, kosc5b, 1
kosc6a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .5
kosc6b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .5
aosc6 oscili kosc6a, kosc6b, 1
kosc7a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .6
kosc7b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .6
aosc7 oscili kosc7a, kosc7b, 1
kosc8a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .7
kosc8b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .7
aosc8 oscili kosc8a, kosc8b, 1
kosc9a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .8
kosc9b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .8
aosc9 oscili kosc9a, kosc9b, 1
kosc10a oscili iamp, irate, 2, .9
kosc10b oscili 10000, irate, itable, .9
aosc10 oscili kosc10a, kosc10b, 1
out aosc1 + aosc2 + aosc3 + aosc4 + aosc5 + aosc6 + aosc7 + aosc8 +
aosc9 + aosc10
; glissando.sco
; Coded by Sean Costello, costello@seanet.com
; November 4, 1998
; The following defines a sine table for the audio oscillators.
f1 0 8192 10 1
; The following defines the amplitude envelope for the
; oscillators. I used the Gaussian function of GEN 20, as
; opposed to generating a table with the complicated equation
; that Risset used.
f2 0 8192 20 6
; Defines a table that falls exponentally,
; from 1 to (2 to the -10 power).
f3 0 8192 5 1 8191 0.0009765625
; Defines a table that rises exponentially,
; from (2 to the -10 power) to 1.
f4 0 8192 5 0.0009765625 8191 1
i10 0 120 0.01 8000 3 |