>mac users? who knows? i heard they have a shell, but i figure many
>open up MS Word or an internet browser or what??
I highly recommend Mac users use BBEdit Lite to search a folder containing
all the mail list archive text files. The result is a two-pane window with
an index of found words in context above and space to show a selected file
I realize that's not much explanation...please email me privately if you
want me to explain further...but it's pretty easy if you try it...
/----Charles D. Starrett-----\ "I do not feel that
| / | ____ | | ____ | my research suffered unduly
| /\--| | |-| | | from the fact that I enjoyed it."
| / \ | |____| | |___ |
| | | | ___|___ | --Daniel Miller,
\--starrett@fas.harvard.edu--/ Modernity--an Ethnographic Approach
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Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 23:49:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Qian Chen
Subject: table question - need help
To: Csound
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Dear Csounders,
Last night, I was studying _table_ opcode, using the following Csound
;orchestra file
instr 1
a1 oscil 255,440,1 ;sine wave
aout table a1,2 ;transfer function
out aout*800
;score file
f1 0 8192 10 1 ; sinus
f2 0 512 -7 -1 512 1 ; f(x)=x
i1 0 2
As far as I know, the second parameter of _table_ opcode can be used
to be a transfer function. In my Csound score file, I define function
table 1 as a sinusoid, which means a1 is a signal like the following:
a1 = sin(t)
Then I use _table_ to transfer a1 into aout. Since function table 2
is f(x)=x, aout should be:
aout = sin(t)
The question is I really got a signal other than a sine wave!!! It
waveshape is half sinus half line! What is wrong? Could some help
me? I am totally confused with what I've got.
Qian Chen
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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From: james@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: SaRiGaMa's Oil Vending Orchestra
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 09:44:37 +0100 (BST)
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>SaRiGaMa's Oil Vending Orchestra
>would like to propose you to join our "Hz"-links!
>This is to prepare csound "orc&sco"s
>which could be called "BROTHERS"
>by starting from common Hz and making the harmonic movement
>between each two "orc&sco"s "www"-oriented.
>What our orchestra intend is to prepare a "GaMa-Oke" a background "karaoke"
>and let it be played at our studio jam thang.:
>If you could start from latter root-Hzs....
>this will help a lot to let us bind sounds
>suitable to our "SONG no.5":
>these all have common harmonics
>to make things PD oriented....
>I prepared a banner:
>If each participant's www-page contributed for this project (under condition
> mentioned by this banner...) can be linked to each other....this linkage can
> teach the visitor the relationship between material-files and people can download
> his favorites and combine the resulting sound-files of do looping things...
>excuse me ..my english is horrible....
>Any project like this before?
>SaRiGaMa's Oil Vending Orchestra
James Andrews, maths CDO, ext.3977
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From: james@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: memory fault in windows version
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 09:45:30 +0100 (BST)
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>Dear Csounders:
>In a recent orc/sco granular synthesis example posted by Hans
>Mikelson, the following error message occurs:
>memory allocate failure for 1764120
>This occurs for the most recent versions of csound (Winsound
>Ver. 3.481 as well as csound_new on the PC platform). I was
>surprised to see this error occur again in the most recent
>versions as I thought this problem had been "fixed." (I can
>post the orc/sco if desired.) Any suggestions?
>Mark Dal Porto
James Andrews, maths CDO, ext.3977
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From: james@maths.ex.ac.uk
Message-Id: <10128.199805210841@zeno.maths.exeter.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: table question - need help
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 09:41:53 +0100 (BST)
Reply-To: peter@orpheus.selene.cube.net
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>Reply-To: peter@orpheus.selene.cube.net
>Set the second table's zero point to its center
>by making the second line:
>aout table a1,2,0,255 ;transfer function
>Greetings - Peter
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From: james@maths.ex.ac.uk
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Subject: getty problem compile 3.481 on Debian 2.0
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 10:45:20 +0100 (BST)
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>My system is a Debian GNU/Linux pre-2.0 ("hamm") (which uses glibc.)
>I am having troubles compiling Csound-3.481 (that's the latest
>version, right?). There's this patch from Laszlo Vecsey included,
>but patch rejects it totally... is it already applied? Or is it because=20
>it's not in "diff -u" format - patch prefers those..
>And it won't compile "unpatched":
>~/ware/Csound-3.481.Linux.src $make csound
>midirecv.c:17: bsd/sgtty.h: No such file or directory
>make: *** [midirecv.o] Error 1
>So... Is there a working patchfile around? Other ideas?
>Simon K=E5gedal - Homepage: http://www.sdf.se/~simon/
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hi csound
FYI here is the cfp for icad98
submissions are due june 5 =3D> 2 weeks from now
chiz stephen
Call for Participation=20
The Fifth
International Conference on Auditory Display
University of Glasgow, UK
November 1-4, 1998=20
Sponsored by:
The Department of Computing Science, University of
Continuing the work of the successful series of ICAD Conferences,
ICAD'98 will be held on November 1-4,
1998 at the University of Glasgow, UK. This is the the first time the
ICAD conference will be held outside the
USA. ICAD is the premier forum for presenting research on the use of
sound to provide enhanced user interfaces,
display data, monitor systems, and for computers and virtual reality
systems. It is unique in its singular focus on
auditory displays, and the array of perception, technology, design and
application areas that these encompass. Like
its predecessors, ICAD'98 will be a single-track conference. Attendance
is open to all, with no membership or
affiliation requirements.=20
ICAD'98 will be chaired by Dr Stephen Brewster from the University of
Glasgow and Dr Alistair Edwards from
the University of York.=20
If you would like to be sent updated information about ICAD'98 please
fill-in the pre-registration form
Submissions are solicited in all aspects of auditory display including
(but not limited to) the following topics:=20
Sonification (data representation through audio)=20
Sound in human-computer interfaces=20
Auditory interfaces for people with visual disabilities=20
Audio on the world wide web=20
Sound in virtual environments=20
Tools and systems to support auditory display=20
Sound in mobile computing devices=20
Submissions will be accepted for papers, short papers and posters,
tutorials and workshops, and demonstrations.
An ISBN-numbered conference proceedings for ICAD'98 will be published
electronically by The British
Computer Society in association with Springer-Verlag Ltd.=20
The conference themes can be approached from several perspectives, and
ICAD provides a forum for open
discussion to bridge gulfs between, for example, research and design,
science and technology, perception and
acoustics. Interdisciplinary exchange is supported with a single- track
technical program. For those new to ICAD,
it would be useful to examine the book Auditory Display, (G. Kramer,
ed.), Reading MA; Addison Wesley, 1994.
Alternatively, previous proceedings of ICAD are on-line at the main ICAD
web site=20
This year submission will be via email. Submissions will consist of a 4
page extended abstract in the conference
proceedings format. The abstract should be tailored to the type of
project. Submissions of research efforts should
include the objective, methodology, and results. Submissions of
applications and designs should include the goals,
users, development process, and evaluation. Since audio demonstrations
are a key component of ICAD, the
abstract should include a description of the prospective audio
demonstrations to accompany the paper.
Submissions should be made by emailing a copy of the extended abstract
by June 5, 1998 to:=20
The extended abstracts (and final papers) must be in the conference
proceedings format. Please note that because
the proceedings are to be published in an electronic format and in
advance of the conference there can be NO
latitude about the layout and format. Even though the extended abstracts
will not be published they must be in the
required format - as evidence that the authors can meet the
requirements. The required style files (Latex and
Microsoft Word) can be found here. Submissions will NOT be accepted if
they are not in the standard conference
format. If you have any problems with formatting please email to the
address above.=20
Submissions must also include a single cover sheet which contains:=20
the paper title=20
the full names, affiliations, complete addresses, phone and FAX
numbers, and e-mail addresses of the
a 100 word abstract=20
a list of up to five keywords=20
>From the submissions, the program committee will invite long (30 minutes=
) and short (15 minute) presentations.
If you have a preference for one of these, please indicate it on the
cover sheet.=20
Tutorials and Workshops
The first day of ICAD'98 will be made up of optional workshops and
tutorials. We have some great tutorials and
workshops lined up and we are keen to hear from anyone else who would
like to run one. Please email to
alistair-icad@minster.york.ac.uk as soon as possible to let us know what
you would like to do.=20
Posters and Demonstrations
ICAD'98 will include a session where explorative concepts, new ideas as
well as techniques and tools for auditory
display may be presented in either a poster or demonstration format.
Demonstrations can be either academic
(perhaps example systems that you have created) or industrial (perhaps a
product that will be of interest to the
ICAD community). We are particularly keen to have commercial
demonstrations relevant to ICAD.=20
Poster and demo submissions will be evaluated on the basis of their
innovation, relevance and potential logistic
constraints.The submission should consist of a description of your
demonstration or poster (2 pages maximum)
and a cover sheet as above. Submissions should be made by emailing by
June 5, 1998 to:=20
Social Programme
We are organising a great social programme for ICAD'98. We will be
visiting some of the beautiful Scottish
countryside and doing a tour of a whisky distillery. We will provide
more information about this nearer to the
conference on the ICAD websites.=20
Further Information
Full, up-to-date information on submissions, formats, registration,
travel and sponsorship can be found on the
ICAD web sites.=20
For general queries please contact: icad98_info@santafe.edu=20
For registration queries please contact:
For paper submission queries
The ICAD'98 home page is at www.santafe.edu/~icad/=20
The European mirror is atwww.dcs.gla.ac.uk/icad98/=20
Important Dates=20
Paper/demo/poster submission: June 5, 1998
Notification of review decisions: July 31, 1998
Camera ready copy: Sepember 21,, 1998
ICAD'98: November 1st - 4th, 1998=20
Practical information
Travelling to Glasgow.=20
Hotels in Glasgow.=20
Information about Glasgow.=20
International Community for Auditory Display
ICAD'98 is a program of the International Community for Auditory
Display. ICAD is a not-for-profit
corporation created to support research, education and community
formation in the emerging field of auditory
display. The primary projects of ICAD are the conferences, the listserve
(icad-request@santafe.edu) and the
ICAD Web site (www.santafe.edu/~icad/). Since auditory display
researchers come from a wide variety of
disciplinary, professional, and geographical backgrounds, ICAD seeks,
above all, to facilitate communication
across boundaries. A membership organization founded in 1996, ICAD
welcomes participation in its programs
and governance.=20
Gr=FC=DFen stephen
Stephen Barrass Ph.D.
GMD-IMK Virtual Environments (http://viswiz.gmd.de)
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Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 07:37:17 +0000
From: Dave Phillips
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To: Csound mail-list
Subject: glibc & Linux Csound
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I have received a number of requests for a fix to compile Csound under
Linux distributions running glibc. I do not run such a system and am
unable to create the necessary patches. If anyone on the list has
successfully compiled Csound under glibc, please notify me. I am
planning a new Linux Csound distribution and I would like to include
provisions for glibc users.
Thank you,
== Dave Phillips
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Date: Thu, 21 May 1998 07:46:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: Piche Jean
Subject: Re: table question - need help
To: Qian Chen
Cc: Csound
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> ;orchestra file
> instr 1
> a1 oscil 255,440,1 ;sine wave
> aout table a1,2 ;transfer function
> out aout*800
> endin
> ;score file
> f1 0 8192 10 1 ; sinus
> f2 0 512 -7 -1 512 1 ; f(x)=x
> i1 0 2
> As far as I know, the second parameter of _table_ opcode can be used
> to be a transfer function. In my Csound score file, I define function
> table 1 as a sinusoid, which means a1 is a signal like the following:
> a1 = sin(t)
> Then I use _table_ to transfer a1 into aout. Since function table 2
> is f(x)=x, aout should be:
> aout = sin(t)
> Right?
> The question is I really got a signal other than a sine wave!!! It
> waveshape is half sinus half line! What is wrong? Could some help
> me? I am totally confused with what I've got.
you must place the origin of the table at the halfmark of the
table...since the driving oscilator goes positive and negative... you are
only partially confused, not totally...
aout table a1,2,0,256 (you may want to check this i 'm not certain this
is the correct parameter order...
Good luck
Jean Piche
Musique - UdM