| Dear Csounders,
I have been experimenting with Realtime MIDI input and Csound. I had
posted to the group a couple months ago to get advice on the limitations
of Csound and whatever gear I was planning to buy. Well, I have all my
gear. A Roland GR30 guitar synth (with GK2A pickup) running into my
computer (IBM Aptiva Pentium II 300Mhz) via a MIDI to serial adaptor.
My problem is that I get about a 0.2 second lag time between my attack and
the output of the signal. Just enough to be annoying. I've tried a few
things. I tried using Gabriel Maldonado's VMCI to see if my external
controller was the problem. It's not...the delay is still there with
VMCI. I've tried a few scripts. Here is the simplest one I could think of:
sr = 22050
kr = 441
ksmps = 50
nchnls = 1
instr 1
ipch pchmidi
a1 pluck 5000, cpspch(ipch), cpspch(ipch), 0, 1
out a1
f0 600
I also have a much more complex script (which I'll share if anybody's
interested), and both give roughly the same 0.2 second delay so I'm not
sure how much more I could streamline my scripting.
I'm also pretty sure that my computer has enough horsepower, although I
could be wrong.
I don't know how to change my buffer sizes in the interface I use (WCShell
and RTSound 1.8.)
Can anybody with experience in this area offer insight into why I can't
get rid of my lag time? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
Kevin Gallagher, kgallagh@astro.temple.edu
Web Address - http://astro.temple.edu/~kgallagh |