| Begin DOS session output:
> E:\Csound>csound test.csd
> Csound Version 3.51 (Jan 24 1999)
> UnifiedCSD: test.csd
> Unknown command :
> Unknown command :
> Creating options
> Unknown command :
> Creating orchestra
> Creating \s3vvo1k3.orc (00478828)
> Unknown command :
> Creating score
> Unknown command :
> Unknown command :
> orchname: test.csd
> scorename: dCsynthesizer>
> cannot open scorefile dCsynthesizer>
End of DOS output.
When redirecting output to a file some extra carriage return
chars were shown in output, like so:
Unkown command :#CR#
- where #CR# = 0x13 (a semiquaver sign in the DOS charset).
So, output had CR CR LF rather than the normal PC line ending
CR LF, and Csound seemed to be complaining about those extra CR's.
I have of course checked the input text file; it was normal.
Below follows the text of file "test.csd":
-W -m3
instr 1 ; Demonstration of bug in C-comments
a3 oscil notlegal, ibasfrq / 2, 1 /*
This text is all covered by the semicolon beginning on
line 2 of instrument, and it works beautifully. Thanks!
But... the error messages for that line will refer
to the line of the final comment sign. This is just
the (relatively minor) problem I've been harping about
in my earlier posts on this topic.
Ie "notlegal" is reported to be on line 13 of instr.
*/ ; Bug in C-comments: This is not the faulty line!
f1 0 8192 10 1
i1 0 2 100