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Re: Useful Questions!

Date1999-01-20 11:19
FromDave Phillips
SubjectRe: Useful Questions!
Fred Floberg wrote:

> http://www.bright.net/~dlphilp/linux_csound.html has links to the 'developer's'
> version of ULCsound as well as the Official version. (Strangely, Dave's mirror
> at sound.condrow.com dished up a stock market web page for some reason).

Actually, the mirror address is sound.condorow.net, but Fred's right
about the mirror being there no longer. I've written to the site
maintainer to find out what's happening. Btw, that URL is a mirror of
the Linux soundapps page, not the Linux Csound page.

Fred is also right about the Linux Csound page being out of date. I've
been adding useful URLs and some clarification regarding the
official/unofficial versions, but the text does need updating, I'll try
to fix that yet this week. I also have a new edition of the Linux
soundapps page coming out this week.
== Dave Phillips
