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Re: Looking for drums

Date1999-08-24 19:57
FromPaul Winkler
SubjectRe: Looking for drums
Lars Luthman wrote:
> I'm looking for bass drums (Csound instruments, not samples).

There's a nice web page on getting drum sounds out of analog synths. The
theories should be applicable to Csound if you can work out the .orcs...
Somebody on the list sent me these links:

Here's some attempts I made based on that document:

;;;copyright 1998 Paul M. Winkler, zarmzarm@hotmail.com
;**** Last modified: Wed Jul 21 07:05:31 1999

	sr	=	44100
	kr	=	22050
	ksmps	=	2
	nchnls	=	1

            ; Attempts at simulating analog drum synths.

instr 1                                         ; DUMB DRUM 1 (kick/tom)
  idur      =           p3
  icutoff   =           p4
  ires      =           3                       ; self-resonates at 1
  iscale    =           100000 / (ires)         ; Not accurate, but
;  Note that larger resonances make sound louder, richer, and fatter.
;  Suggested range: 1 to 3 for deep stuff, up to 200 for very synthy.
;   Try as low as .7 for short-decay, non-oscillating thuds, but then
amplitude must
;   be seriously boosted.
  asig      osciln       1, 1/idur, 1, 1         
            ; should use a better pulse signal, it's too "ticky".
  kcutoff   linseg      icutoff, idur, 0        ; env. for filter
  aout      moogvcf     asig, kcutoff, ires
            out         aout * iscale

instr 2                                         ; DUMB DRUM 2
            ; SINE OSCILLATOR
  idur      =           p3
  ipitch    =           p4
  iamp      =           p5
  kenv      linseg      iamp, idur, .01         ; change to linseg to
            ; a total drum-n-bass bass sound.  With expseg, decay of at
            ; 0.5 is nice; with linseg, as low as .1
  asig      oscili       kenv, ipitch, 2
            out         asig


;;copyright 1998 Paul M. Winkler, zarmzarm@hotmail.com
;**** Last modified: Tue Aug 24 14:39:34 1999

f1      0       1024    2       1       0  ; impulse... works but sounds
f2      0       32769   10      1       ; sine wave

t 0 80
i1      0       .25   100
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       >
i1      +       .       50

t 0 100
i2      2       .1     100 30000
i2      3       .       >       .
i2      4       .       >       .
i2      5       .       >       .
i2      6       .       >       .
i2      7       .       >       .
i2      8       .       >       .
i2      9       .       >       .
i2      10      .       >       .
i2      11      .       >       .
i2      12      .       30      .


----------------    paul winkler    ------------------
slinkP arts:  music, sound, illustration, design, etc.

zarmzarm@hotmail.com   --or-- slinkp AT ulster DOT net