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Re: -e flag problems ?

Date1998-09-26 23:13
FromGabriel Maldonado
SubjectRe: -e flag problems ?
You should be aware of these questions:
1) is your computer fast enough to handle real-time?
2) is the buffer length ('-b' flag) set to a sufficient dimension (at
least 500 when using in and out simultaneously)?
3) is the number of buffers ('-p' flag) big enough (at least 4)?
5) are you using a 'rounded' sr (for example 40000 Hz or 32000 Hz with
'-e' flag)?
6) are you using a Sound Blaster (the soundBlasters wave-in resolution
is reduced to 8-bit  when using full-duplex, but these cards are the
only I successfully tested. I have two soundblaster in my computer to
avoid the 8-bit problem).

good luck!


Yair Kass wrote:

> Hi,
>     I'm having trouble using the '-i' flag in RT1.9 .
>     The sound coming in (from mic or line) to Csound,when outputed, is
> extremely noisy
>     and seem to be "buffered" (?!?  maybe the wrong word but it sound
> like that) and by
>     experimentations, I think I reduced the problem to the '-i' flag
> [allowing real-time audio in].
>     I double-checked it using the "delay.orc/sco" example.
>     Naturally, I checked the buffer size and ar/kr rates but the
> problem
> persists.
>     Is this a known problem ? Did I miss anything obviouse ?
>                         H....E....L....P....
>     Yait Kass

Gabriel Maldonado
