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Re: Frequency Shifting & Hilbert Transforms

Date1999-03-18 19:42
FromSean Costello
SubjectRe: Frequency Shifting & Hilbert Transforms
Jens Groh wrote:

> P.S. Dear Sean Costello, would you like to tell us what you want to use the frequency shifter for?

Frequency Shifting!! It's just a beautiful sound, plain and simple. I've
heard it in Hyperprism, and it sounds beautiful, especially on voices.
Plus, some nice paradoxical sounds can be generated with feedback - i.e.
a phasing sound that goes in one direction only.  Lots of stuff I want
to explore.  I'll be testing out the algorithms people posted early next
week - just finished up some compositions for class last week, so ran
out of time.  

Thanks for all the input on this one, folks!  I've got some nice stuff
to try out.  I also have a friend at CCRMA who wrote a frequency shifter
in CLM, so I might try to get that from him and translate it into Csound
or C.  I'll keep people posted.