| Thanks for this most useful and informative summary.
-----Original Message-----
From: rasmus ekman
To: Antoine Lefebvre
Cc: Csound list
Date: Thursday, February 25, 1999 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: source code
>Antoine Lefebvre wrote:
>> Can someone tell me the role of the important file. I mean not the
>> opcode but the main part, parser, main...
>Found my old notes, hope they're not too confused/erroneous.
>main() (in Main.c) parses command line, opens input files, sorts
>score etc. The last few lines of main() calls otran() (in Otran.c) and
>musmon() (in Musmon.c).
>otran() is top of orchestra parsing,
>musmon() does the score playing or "performance" part.
>otran() calls rdorchfile() (in Rdorc.c) to input the full orchestra
>text, then it calls getoptext() (in Rdorc.c) to input single lines of
>instrument code.
>rdorchfile() does the macro collection and substitution, comment
>filtering etc.
>otran() checks syntax of Csound opcodes in the orchestra statements
>that it gets from getoptext(), and then builds up a task list for each
>instrument, ie the sequence of opcode calls that constitute the
>instr's performance.
>musmon() sets up realtime and/or file output, calls oload() (in Oload.c)
>to initialise all opcodes (get ftables, set defaults etc), and then calls
>playevents() (in Musmon.c), which does the actual performance.
>playevents() gets all kinds of input: midi realtime, score events
>from the sorted .sco file, score events started at realtime etc.
>It calls insert() (in Insert.c) to put the instrument instances
>into a playlist; a linked chain of EVTBLK structs.
>playevents() counts down k-rate, and calls kperf() (in Insert.c).
>kperf() goes through the task list of each active instrument in the
>playlist, and makes the actual calls to the k- and a-rate opcode
>functions used by each instrument.
>The text of each instr...endin block in the orc file is stored
>in structs: INSTRTXT, OPTXT etc. During performance INSDS and OPDS
>structs hold the separate instrument instances. They are copied from
>the instr template in INSTRTXT/OPTXT in insert().
>If instr 7 is called five times it will thus exist in five individual
>(or sequential) copies.
>All these structs are declared in Cs.h. They contain pointers to
>the instrument text, to each other and to the corresponding opcode
>functions, so it is quite feasible even for a beginner like myself
>to see what's going on by single-stepping through a Csound performance
>in your favourite debugger.
>All this stuff is (scantily, but still) commented, so you'll find
>your way in the program flow. Changing stuff without breaking it
>is trickier.
>Have fun,
> re |