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program to noteon

Date1999-03-09 01:04
FromKevin Gallagher
Subjectprogram to noteon
Hi everyone!
I have an interesting problem with MIDI here.  I have a couple of sounds
that I use in improvisation, and I want to program an ostinato to start
when I switch to these patches.  So far I have done it by using a low note
to trigger the ostinato in an xtratim statement, but that means I have to
keep hitting the low note periodically or else the ostinato stops.
Anyway, my question is this:  Is it possible to use either a program
change or a controller (bank) change to be interpreted as a noteon
message?  I want Csound to reinitialize a note every x seconds as long as
controller 0 = whatever.  Does anybody know how I might go about this?
Thanks in advance!

				Kevin Gallager, kgallagh@astro.temple.edu
				Web - http://astro.temple.edu/~kgallagh