| Hi,
Great initiative.
I'll be happy to contribute if I can.
I'll be watching for postings on this topic.
Hans Mikelson wrote:
> Hi,
> I am thinking about publishing a Csound E-Zine and am looking for
> contributers and suggestions. This will be in html format with pictures as
> either gif's or jpg's. Sound samples can be included as either .au, .aiff,
> .wav or mp3. The articles should be informal although a few equations are
> usually helpful in understanding things.
> I think I will be able to publish 4 times each year assuming I get some
> contributions and I remain enthusiastic about the project (you can help with
> both). I will try to keep back issues on the web site for reference. I
> think I have plenty of disk space on my reality.sgi.com site. There are
> currently no plans to pay the contributers or to have advertisements on the
> E-Zine.
> You must own the copyright for the material to be published. You will
> retain your own copyright to republish the article as you wish but you must
> grant the E-Zine permission to publish it as well.
> The topics I will be considering are presented below. I am open to other
> topics as well. Let me know if you have an article prepared for the E-Zine
> and I will tell you how to get it to me. I may have to work out something
> for large files (>1 megabyte). Remember to include your name and email
> address in the article.
> Editorial
> This section will be reserved for such heated discussion areas as converting
> C to C++, creating a new language Csound++ or other topics of controversial
> nature. This will be an opportunity to make your point in a well thought out
> manner.
> Beginners Section
> This section will be targeted at the Csound novice and will provide
> information on things like creating very simple orchestras and scores and
> examining individual opcodes. Please include the orchestra, score and block
> diagrams for contributing articles.
> Synthesis
> This section will present novel or conventional synthesis techniques.
> Articles should include block diagrams, example orchestra & score, a
> description of the theory involved. Discussion of a single instrument is
> appropriate for this type of article.
> Sound Processing & Sound Effects
> This section will present novel or conventional sound processing techniques.
> Articles should include block diagrams, example orchestra & score, a
> description of the theory involved. Discussion of a single instrument or
> effect is appropriate for this type of instrument.
> Real-Time Csound
> This section will present an example of using Csound in real time. Articles
> should include block diagrams, example orchestra & score, a description of
> the theory involved, any special command line options and processor or
> operating system requirements.
> Featured Composition
> This section should provide a description of the composition. Compositions
> should be around 1-5 minutes in length. They may be presented as an
> orchestra and score or as an MP3 file. Csound should be used or >50% of the
> composition.
> Inside Csound
> This section will take a detailed look at the C side of Csound. Topics might
> include adding opcodes to Csound, how reinit works or explore other Csound
> internals.
> Announcements
> This section will be for software and book announcements and updates. Try
> to describe the product and any special hardware or software requirements.
> Interviews
> If someone is good at writing interview questions let me know and I will try
> to obtain interviews with some of the major players in the Csound community.
> Resources & Links
> A list of links for other Csound resources on the web.
> Cover Art
> Looking for audio related artwork.
> Looking forward to hearing from you,
> Hans Mikelson