| Please try the copy of AXCsound at http://www.pipeline.com/~gogins and let
me know if you get the same result. I suspect the version at the Leeds site
has a problem that my newer copy does not.
Thanks so much if you can do this. If the newer version works for you I'll
upload it to Leeds.
In the meantime use consound...
-----Original Message-----
From: timkoelm@iconz.co.nz
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Date: Sunday, December 06, 1998 2:33 AM
Subject: Introduction and Help
>Hello everyone,
>Just joined the list, brief introduction as follows. My name is
>Dave Koelmeyer, I'm soon to be into my second year of a music
>degree at University of Auckland, New Zealand. I'm 21 and have
>been working with computers and hardware based synths for about
>six years now. I currently write electronic music in my small
>MIDI home studio, using a variety of S+S digital synths. Most
>of my experience is with Roland Super JV-1080 engine, although
>I've recently added a Wavestation to my rig. I've got a few other
>general purpose MIDI modules (for percussion etc), as well as
>effects and dynamics processors. I first heard about CSound in a
>feature run by Keyboard magazine, and have been meaning to
>download a copy for ages. I gather it's used extensively at the
>University, so I'm going to try to learn the basics over the summer
>holidays - even though I'm far from being a maths or physics
>whiz. I really enjoy synth programming...I also enjoy sharing what
>I know with others. I frequently conduct tutorials in programming
>on the 1080 mailing list.
>Unfortunately, I'm having trouble getting it to run - surprise
>surprise. I surfed on in to one of the recommended websites on
>the Leeds Csound page and downloaded a copy of AXCsound. I tried
>running the program and was told that "AXCsound.dll failed to
>register". I surfed on over to the AXCSound page and was told that
>I might have to enter a line manually at the command prompt,
>that line being "RegSvr32 AXCsound.dll". Upon doing this I received
>the following line, "AXCSound.dll failed GetLastError returns
>0x00000485". Could someone please assist me? I'm running a Pentium
>-clone 200 Mhz PC, 32MB RAM, with stock standard 16bit SB-clone
>Thanks for reading,
>Best Regards,
>**************************** |