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Re: Newbie question: window

Date1998-06-17 04:30
FromMike Berry
SubjectRe: Newbie question: window
There may be a PVOC frame size limit in there.  I know that there was in the
Mac version, though I think we're getting it out.  There is no specific reason
that I know of that csound should not allow larger power-of-2 windows
(certainly nothing inherent in phase vocoding).
Mike Berry

Date1998-06-18 16:08
SubjectRe: Newbie question: window
Reading the soutrces, in pvanal the frame size must be between 

#define MAXFRMPTS       65536
#define MINFRMPTS       16      /* limits on fft size */

Any suggestions that this chould change?  Tnere was a 16bit limit in
some versions of csound at one time.

Date1998-06-18 18:44
FromRichard Karpen
SubjectRe: Newbie question: window
Whatever changes are made, all of the pvoc related unit generators should
have corresponding changes made to allow for the larger window sizes in
the resynthesis. I also suggest unifying all of the PV definitions into
one .h file. The proliferation of these .h files is largely do to my own
additions to the pvoc repertoire, so if you'd like, I can take on this
little task John and pass you the new files.


On Thu, 18 Jun 1998 jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> Reading the soutrces, in pvanal the frame size must be between 
> #define MAXFRMPTS       65536
> #define MINFRMPTS       16      /* limits on fft size */
> Any suggestions that this chould change?  Tnere was a 16bit limit in
> some versions of csound at one time.
> ==John

Date1998-06-18 18:53
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
SubjectRe: Newbie question: window
> #define MAXFRMPTS       65536

well, the Mills PPC UI only went up to 16384..
	fixn' to fix that (yesterday)


Date1998-06-18 21:54
FromNicola Bernardini
SubjectRe: Newbie question: window
On Thu, 18 Jun 1998 jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> Reading the soutrces, in pvanal the frame size must be between 
> #define MAXFRMPTS       65536
> #define MINFRMPTS       16      /* limits on fft size */
> Any suggestions that this chould change?  Tnere was a 16bit limit in
> some versions of csound at one time.
> ==John

how about

#if	!defined(MAXFRMPTS)
#	define MAXFRMPTS       65536
#endif	/* !defined(MAXFRMPTS) */
#if	!defined(MAXFRMPTS)
#	define MINFRMPTS       16      /* limits on fft size */
#endif	/* !defined(MAXFRMPTS) */

I think this is portable on all modern (>1989) platforms, and that
way things can (at least) be decided at compile time...


Nicola Bernardini
E-mail: nicb@axnet.it
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words -- but only those to describe
the picture.  Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described
with pictures.