| > > I ripped them out of a patch set for a synth
> Is there a set taken from a real instrument, with preferably a good
> selection of all the different playing techniques, particularly
> harmonics, sul ponticello, sul tasto and the bartok pizz?
This brings up a question that I have been holding back,
but will now allow to descend upon the community at hand.
I use the 'loscil' ugen extensively in my csound comps.
I would like to have more from it. I am grateful that
'loscil' looks to see what base frequency that a particular
sample declares, but I see that I need much more information
in order to choose and play a particular sample at a given
The AIFF spec allows for at least these parameters to be
specified in the file:
Base frequency of sample. (perceived pitch)
This one is handled in csound, but
one must provide the function number
of a sample in order to get the correct
function to be chosen for a given pitch.
I imagine a mechanism whereby this choice
is dictated in accordance with the
information in a given sample *set*.
Low and High allowable Note range
This parameter suggests the need for
software to have the ability to discern
the proper sample to be played from a set
at a given time (i.e. from p5 ).
Low and High Velocity
Same notes as above, but corresponding to p4.
Why not? It is in the file format, and it makes
I don't approve of looping in the broad sense. I
have enough disk space to house any length of sample
that I have need of at this time. I can see that
certain instruments (such as the bagpipes) might
lend themselves to this, but I should think that
in general, this feature should be reserved for those
with more limited resources, such as those that rely
on MIDI equipment for their sound generation. I am
quite happy that 'loscil' utilizes this information.
I am just making it clear here that this is not one
of my larger concerns. Exceptions include those
instruments that have a 'release' portion that is
different in timber from that of the rest of the
I have a utility ready that I mentioned in another post
that is able to manipulate these parameters of an AIFF file.
I would like to revise or reincarnate the 'loscil' ugen to
take advantage of the virtual features that I have suggested.
I have yet however, to attempt or succeed in grafting an opcode
of my own on to csound.
I post this with the hope that a member of the list with an
abundance of ability in this matter might share some of my
concerns and desires, and be willinI would suggest that 'loscil'
could optionally examine a *directory* rather than a file or function,
in order to find a group of samples rather than a single one. This new
opcode would examine all qualifying files or samples residing in the
specified directory for telltale parameters that would help it
choose the correct file to play given its set of parameters.
I use csound in a manner that far exceeds that of mimicking
acoustic or other instruments in the manner that I have suggested,
but I do believe that this golden opcode 'loscil' could be brought
forward from the chorus-line and into the credits if given a
touch of attention.