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Introduction and a Question

Date1999-06-15 05:38
FromDavid Ogborn
SubjectIntroduction and a Question
Hello, all,

   My name is David Ogborn.  I am a programmer and composer 
and student from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, interested without 
preference in electroacoustic mediums, score->performer(s) type 
mediums, and their combination.  I run Csound under Windows NT 
4, and Linux 2.0.35 (on an i586, an AMD K5-166 actually), using the 
non-platform specific version and making a few changes (the 
general source distribution seems to require fewer modifications 
than the Linux specific sources to be compile-able with my setup).

   I have a question.  How does one insert a single value at a 
specified offset into an a-rate audio buffer?  The application is the 
need for a single impulse that is fed to a comb filter, i.e. so that the 
very first sample of the buffer is set to some value, and all other 
values are 0.  At present, I have defined a function table using 
GEN02 that contains the values 1 and 0 in order, which I 
subsequently access with osciln.  Is there something more straight 
forward than this?

      David Ogborn