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[Csnd] Trying to wrap my head around reinit, can not get it right

Date2019-01-03 11:23
FromAnton Kholomiov
Subject[Csnd] Trying to wrap my head around reinit, can not get it right

I'm trying to understand reinit but seems to do smth wrong.
Here is my case:

I'd like to be able to play several audio files with single diskin2.
I can pass array of files and index in the file. When I change the index
I can trigger reinit and load another file to diskin2. this was not so hard to do.
But now I've got two phases:

* fade out old file
* file reload

And this where I'm stuck. I'm trying various combos of reinit and timout
but can not get it right.

here is my code so far:

It's as close as I could get, but unfortunately it ignores the code inside  fade_out label.
So the code inside it is not reinit'ed
and I can not figure out why...

; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
-odac  -d   ;;;realtime audio out
;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
; -o oscili.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform

sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

opcode AmbiRow, aa, S[]kki

Sfiles[], kSpeed, kUserIndex, iFadeTime xin
kNext init 0
iSize lenarray Sfiles

  prints "Do fade\n", 0.001
  kenv linseg 1, iFadeTime, 0, 1, 0

  kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
  prints "Do load: %d\n", 0.001, kNext
  iIndex = i(kNext)
  if (iIndex >= 0) && (iIndex < iSize) then
    Sfile = Sfiles[iIndex]
    iStop = 0
    iStop = 1

  if iStop == 0 then
    aLeft, aRight diskin2 Sfile, kSpeed
    aLeft = 0
    aRight = 0

kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
kUserIndex = floor(kUserIndex)
aLeft init 0
aRight init 0

kTrig changed kUserIndex
kTrigChange delayk kTrig, iFadeTime

kSkipFirst linseg 0, iFadeTime + 0.1, 0, 0.1, 1
kTrigChange = kTrigChange * kSkipFirst

if (kTrig == 1) && (kNext != kUserIndex) then
  printks "Fade out: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
  kNext = kUserIndex
  reinit fade_out

if kTrigChange == 1 then
  printks "Change: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
  reinit load_file

xout kenv * aLeft, kenv * aRight


instr 2

kRandInd randi 3, 1
kGate metro (1/6)
kInd samphold kRandInd, kGate
kInd = abs(kInd)

Sfiles[] init 3
Sfiles[0] strcpy "samples/pad-maj-base-1.wav"
Sfiles[1] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-1.wav"
Sfiles[2] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-2.wav"
aL, aR AmbiRow Sfiles, 1, kInd, 3
outs aL, aR

i2 0 60

Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2019-01-06 01:26
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Trying to wrap my head around reinit, can not get it right
Hi Anton,

I never really like using reinit myself and largely avoid it by using
a strategy to turn off previous instances and start new instances.  If
you have a release-time envelope, this would allow you to fade out the
previous instrument.

I tested this code in live.csound.com:

instr Sine
  icps = p4
  asig = poscil(0.25, icps)
  asig *= linsegr(1, 0.1, 1, 2, 0)
  out(asig, asig)

schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 440)
schedule(-nstrnum("Sine"), 0, 0)
schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 880)

I can eval the first schedule, then eval the next two lines together
to turn off the first sine and start the second one.

In my mind, the code is fairly clear for intention. You could use
numbered instruments and fractional numbers for managing voice
allocations if that fits the use case.

Hope that helps!

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 6:23 AM Anton Kholomiov
> Hi!
> I'm trying to understand reinit but seems to do smth wrong.
> Here is my case:
> I'd like to be able to play several audio files with single diskin2.
> I can pass array of files and index in the file. When I change the index
> I can trigger reinit and load another file to diskin2. this was not so hard to do.
> But now I've got two phases:
> * fade out old file
> * file reload
> And this where I'm stuck. I'm trying various combos of reinit and timout
> but can not get it right.
> here is my code so far:
> It's as close as I could get, but unfortunately it ignores the code inside  fade_out label.
> So the code inside it is not reinit'ed
> and I can not figure out why...
> ```
> ; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
> -odac  -d   ;;;realtime audio out
> ;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
> ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
> ; -o oscili.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 32
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs  = 1
> opcode AmbiRow, aa, S[]kki
> Sfiles[], kSpeed, kUserIndex, iFadeTime xin
> kNext init 0
> iSize lenarray Sfiles
> fade_out:
>   prints "Do fade\n", 0.001
>   kenv linseg 1, iFadeTime, 0, 1, 0
>   rireturn
> load_file:
>   kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
>   prints "Do load: %d\n", 0.001, kNext
>   iIndex = i(kNext)
>   if (iIndex >= 0) && (iIndex < iSize) then
>     Sfile = Sfiles[iIndex]
>     iStop = 0
>   else
>     iStop = 1
>   endif
>   if iStop == 0 then
>     aLeft, aRight diskin2 Sfile, kSpeed
>   else
>     aLeft = 0
>     aRight = 0
>   endif
>   rireturn
> kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
> kUserIndex = floor(kUserIndex)
> aLeft init 0
> aRight init 0
> kTrig changed kUserIndex
> kTrigChange delayk kTrig, iFadeTime
> kSkipFirst linseg 0, iFadeTime + 0.1, 0, 0.1, 1
> kTrigChange = kTrigChange * kSkipFirst
> if (kTrig == 1) && (kNext != kUserIndex) then
>   printks "Fade out: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>   kNext = kUserIndex
>   reinit fade_out
> endif
> if kTrigChange == 1 then
>   printks "Change: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>   reinit load_file
> endif
> xout kenv * aLeft, kenv * aRight
> endop
> instr 2
> kRandInd randi 3, 1
> kGate metro (1/6)
> kInd samphold kRandInd, kGate
> kInd = abs(kInd)
> Sfiles[] init 3
> Sfiles[0] strcpy "samples/pad-maj-base-1.wav"
> Sfiles[1] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-1.wav"
> Sfiles[2] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-2.wav"
> aL, aR AmbiRow Sfiles, 1, kInd, 3
> outs aL, aR
> endin
> i2 0 60
> e
> ```
> Anton
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2019-01-06 15:15
FromAnton Kholomiov
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Trying to wrap my head around reinit, can not get it right
Thanks. for hint Steven!

i wasn't aware that it's possible to negate named instruments!
There is always something new to learn about Csound!

вс, 6 янв. 2019 г. в 04:26, Steven Yi <stevenyi@gmail.com>:
Hi Anton,

I never really like using reinit myself and largely avoid it by using
a strategy to turn off previous instances and start new instances.  If
you have a release-time envelope, this would allow you to fade out the
previous instrument.

I tested this code in live.csound.com:

instr Sine
  icps = p4
  asig = poscil(0.25, icps)
  asig *= linsegr(1, 0.1, 1, 2, 0)
  out(asig, asig)

schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 440)
schedule(-nstrnum("Sine"), 0, 0)
schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 880)

I can eval the first schedule, then eval the next two lines together
to turn off the first sine and start the second one.

In my mind, the code is fairly clear for intention. You could use
numbered instruments and fractional numbers for managing voice
allocations if that fits the use case.

Hope that helps!

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 6:23 AM Anton Kholomiov
<anton.kholomiov@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to understand reinit but seems to do smth wrong.
> Here is my case:
> I'd like to be able to play several audio files with single diskin2.
> I can pass array of files and index in the file. When I change the index
> I can trigger reinit and load another file to diskin2. this was not so hard to do.
> But now I've got two phases:
> * fade out old file
> * file reload
> And this where I'm stuck. I'm trying various combos of reinit and timout
> but can not get it right.
> here is my code so far:
> It's as close as I could get, but unfortunately it ignores the code inside  fade_out label.
> So the code inside it is not reinit'ed
> and I can not figure out why...
> ```
> <CsoundSynthesizer>
> <CsOptions>
> ; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
> -odac  -d   ;;;realtime audio out
> ;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
> ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
> ; -o oscili.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
> </CsOptions>
> <CsInstruments>
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 32
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs  = 1
> opcode AmbiRow, aa, S[]kki
> Sfiles[], kSpeed, kUserIndex, iFadeTime xin
> kNext init 0
> iSize lenarray Sfiles
> fade_out:
>   prints "Do fade\n", 0.001
>   kenv linseg 1, iFadeTime, 0, 1, 0
>   rireturn
> load_file:
>   kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
>   prints "Do load: %d\n", 0.001, kNext
>   iIndex = i(kNext)
>   if (iIndex >= 0) && (iIndex < iSize) then
>     Sfile = Sfiles[iIndex]
>     iStop = 0
>   else
>     iStop = 1
>   endif
>   if iStop == 0 then
>     aLeft, aRight diskin2 Sfile, kSpeed
>   else
>     aLeft = 0
>     aRight = 0
>   endif
>   rireturn
> kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
> kUserIndex = floor(kUserIndex)
> aLeft init 0
> aRight init 0
> kTrig changed kUserIndex
> kTrigChange delayk kTrig, iFadeTime
> kSkipFirst linseg 0, iFadeTime + 0.1, 0, 0.1, 1
> kTrigChange = kTrigChange * kSkipFirst
> if (kTrig == 1) && (kNext != kUserIndex) then
>   printks "Fade out: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>   kNext = kUserIndex
>   reinit fade_out
> endif
> if kTrigChange == 1 then
>   printks "Change: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>   reinit load_file
> endif
> xout kenv * aLeft, kenv * aRight
> endop
> instr 2
> kRandInd randi 3, 1
> kGate metro (1/6)
> kInd samphold kRandInd, kGate
> kInd = abs(kInd)
> Sfiles[] init 3
> Sfiles[0] strcpy "samples/pad-maj-base-1.wav"
> Sfiles[1] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-1.wav"
> Sfiles[2] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-2.wav"
> aL, aR AmbiRow Sfiles, 1, kInd, 3
> outs aL, aR
> endin
> </CsInstruments>
> <CsScore>
> i2 0 60
> e
> </CsScore>
> </CsoundSynthesizer>
> ```
> Anton
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2019-01-06 15:19
FromAnton Kholomiov
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Trying to wrap my head around reinit, can not get it right
Indeed that approach looks promising, I need to try it out. and crossfade between samples is easy to do in this case.
I can just use linsegr.

вс, 6 янв. 2019 г. в 18:15, Anton Kholomiov <anton.kholomiov@gmail.com>:
Thanks. for hint Steven!

i wasn't aware that it's possible to negate named instruments!
There is always something new to learn about Csound!

вс, 6 янв. 2019 г. в 04:26, Steven Yi <stevenyi@gmail.com>:
Hi Anton,

I never really like using reinit myself and largely avoid it by using
a strategy to turn off previous instances and start new instances.  If
you have a release-time envelope, this would allow you to fade out the
previous instrument.

I tested this code in live.csound.com:

instr Sine
  icps = p4
  asig = poscil(0.25, icps)
  asig *= linsegr(1, 0.1, 1, 2, 0)
  out(asig, asig)

schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 440)
schedule(-nstrnum("Sine"), 0, 0)
schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 880)

I can eval the first schedule, then eval the next two lines together
to turn off the first sine and start the second one.

In my mind, the code is fairly clear for intention. You could use
numbered instruments and fractional numbers for managing voice
allocations if that fits the use case.

Hope that helps!

On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 6:23 AM Anton Kholomiov
<anton.kholomiov@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to understand reinit but seems to do smth wrong.
> Here is my case:
> I'd like to be able to play several audio files with single diskin2.
> I can pass array of files and index in the file. When I change the index
> I can trigger reinit and load another file to diskin2. this was not so hard to do.
> But now I've got two phases:
> * fade out old file
> * file reload
> And this where I'm stuck. I'm trying various combos of reinit and timout
> but can not get it right.
> here is my code so far:
> It's as close as I could get, but unfortunately it ignores the code inside  fade_out label.
> So the code inside it is not reinit'ed
> and I can not figure out why...
> ```
> <CsoundSynthesizer>
> <CsOptions>
> ; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
> -odac  -d   ;;;realtime audio out
> ;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
> ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
> ; -o oscili.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
> </CsOptions>
> <CsInstruments>
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 32
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs  = 1
> opcode AmbiRow, aa, S[]kki
> Sfiles[], kSpeed, kUserIndex, iFadeTime xin
> kNext init 0
> iSize lenarray Sfiles
> fade_out:
>   prints "Do fade\n", 0.001
>   kenv linseg 1, iFadeTime, 0, 1, 0
>   rireturn
> load_file:
>   kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
>   prints "Do load: %d\n", 0.001, kNext
>   iIndex = i(kNext)
>   if (iIndex >= 0) && (iIndex < iSize) then
>     Sfile = Sfiles[iIndex]
>     iStop = 0
>   else
>     iStop = 1
>   endif
>   if iStop == 0 then
>     aLeft, aRight diskin2 Sfile, kSpeed
>   else
>     aLeft = 0
>     aRight = 0
>   endif
>   rireturn
> kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
> kUserIndex = floor(kUserIndex)
> aLeft init 0
> aRight init 0
> kTrig changed kUserIndex
> kTrigChange delayk kTrig, iFadeTime
> kSkipFirst linseg 0, iFadeTime + 0.1, 0, 0.1, 1
> kTrigChange = kTrigChange * kSkipFirst
> if (kTrig == 1) && (kNext != kUserIndex) then
>   printks "Fade out: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>   kNext = kUserIndex
>   reinit fade_out
> endif
> if kTrigChange == 1 then
>   printks "Change: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>   reinit load_file
> endif
> xout kenv * aLeft, kenv * aRight
> endop
> instr 2
> kRandInd randi 3, 1
> kGate metro (1/6)
> kInd samphold kRandInd, kGate
> kInd = abs(kInd)
> Sfiles[] init 3
> Sfiles[0] strcpy "samples/pad-maj-base-1.wav"
> Sfiles[1] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-1.wav"
> Sfiles[2] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-2.wav"
> aL, aR AmbiRow Sfiles, 1, kInd, 3
> outs aL, aR
> endin
> </CsInstruments>
> <CsScore>
> i2 0 60
> e
> </CsScore>
> </CsoundSynthesizer>
> ```
> Anton
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2019-01-06 18:41
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Trying to wrap my head around reinit, can not get it right
Glad that's useful.  I suppose that depending on the duration of
fades, you might also consider an equal-power or other fade.  The fade
system I have in Blue is based on the code from Ardour:


transegr might be a good opcode to consider too.

All best!

On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 10:19 AM Anton Kholomiov
> Indeed that approach looks promising, I need to try it out. and crossfade between samples is easy to do in this case.
> I can just use linsegr.
> вс, 6 янв. 2019 г. в 18:15, Anton Kholomiov :
>> Thanks. for hint Steven!
>> i wasn't aware that it's possible to negate named instruments!
>> There is always something new to learn about Csound!
>> вс, 6 янв. 2019 г. в 04:26, Steven Yi :
>>> Hi Anton,
>>> I never really like using reinit myself and largely avoid it by using
>>> a strategy to turn off previous instances and start new instances.  If
>>> you have a release-time envelope, this would allow you to fade out the
>>> previous instrument.
>>> I tested this code in live.csound.com:
>>> instr Sine
>>>   icps = p4
>>>   asig = poscil(0.25, icps)
>>>   asig *= linsegr(1, 0.1, 1, 2, 0)
>>>   out(asig, asig)
>>> endin
>>> schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 440)
>>> schedule(-nstrnum("Sine"), 0, 0)
>>> schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 880)
>>> I can eval the first schedule, then eval the next two lines together
>>> to turn off the first sine and start the second one.
>>> In my mind, the code is fairly clear for intention. You could use
>>> numbered instruments and fractional numbers for managing voice
>>> allocations if that fits the use case.
>>> Hope that helps!
>>> Steven
>>> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 6:23 AM Anton Kholomiov
>>>  wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi!
>>> >
>>> > I'm trying to understand reinit but seems to do smth wrong.
>>> > Here is my case:
>>> >
>>> > I'd like to be able to play several audio files with single diskin2.
>>> > I can pass array of files and index in the file. When I change the index
>>> > I can trigger reinit and load another file to diskin2. this was not so hard to do.
>>> > But now I've got two phases:
>>> >
>>> > * fade out old file
>>> > * file reload
>>> >
>>> > And this where I'm stuck. I'm trying various combos of reinit and timout
>>> > but can not get it right.
>>> >
>>> > here is my code so far:
>>> >
>>> > It's as close as I could get, but unfortunately it ignores the code inside  fade_out label.
>>> > So the code inside it is not reinit'ed
>>> > and I can not figure out why...
>>> >
>>> > ```
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > ; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
>>> > -odac  -d   ;;;realtime audio out
>>> > ;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
>>> > ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
>>> > ; -o oscili.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> >
>>> > sr = 44100
>>> > ksmps = 32
>>> > nchnls = 2
>>> > 0dbfs  = 1
>>> >
>>> > opcode AmbiRow, aa, S[]kki
>>> >
>>> > Sfiles[], kSpeed, kUserIndex, iFadeTime xin
>>> > kNext init 0
>>> > iSize lenarray Sfiles
>>> >
>>> > fade_out:
>>> >   prints "Do fade\n", 0.001
>>> >   kenv linseg 1, iFadeTime, 0, 1, 0
>>> >   rireturn
>>> >
>>> > load_file:
>>> >   kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
>>> >   prints "Do load: %d\n", 0.001, kNext
>>> >   iIndex = i(kNext)
>>> >   if (iIndex >= 0) && (iIndex < iSize) then
>>> >     Sfile = Sfiles[iIndex]
>>> >     iStop = 0
>>> >   else
>>> >     iStop = 1
>>> >   endif
>>> >
>>> >   if iStop == 0 then
>>> >     aLeft, aRight diskin2 Sfile, kSpeed
>>> >   else
>>> >     aLeft = 0
>>> >     aRight = 0
>>> >   endif
>>> >   rireturn
>>> >
>>> > kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
>>> > kUserIndex = floor(kUserIndex)
>>> > aLeft init 0
>>> > aRight init 0
>>> >
>>> > kTrig changed kUserIndex
>>> > kTrigChange delayk kTrig, iFadeTime
>>> >
>>> > kSkipFirst linseg 0, iFadeTime + 0.1, 0, 0.1, 1
>>> > kTrigChange = kTrigChange * kSkipFirst
>>> >
>>> > if (kTrig == 1) && (kNext != kUserIndex) then
>>> >   printks "Fade out: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>>> >   kNext = kUserIndex
>>> >   reinit fade_out
>>> > endif
>>> >
>>> > if kTrigChange == 1 then
>>> >   printks "Change: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>>> >   reinit load_file
>>> > endif
>>> >
>>> > xout kenv * aLeft, kenv * aRight
>>> >
>>> > endop
>>> >
>>> > instr 2
>>> >
>>> > kRandInd randi 3, 1
>>> > kGate metro (1/6)
>>> > kInd samphold kRandInd, kGate
>>> > kInd = abs(kInd)
>>> >
>>> > Sfiles[] init 3
>>> > Sfiles[0] strcpy "samples/pad-maj-base-1.wav"
>>> > Sfiles[1] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-1.wav"
>>> > Sfiles[2] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-2.wav"
>>> > aL, aR AmbiRow Sfiles, 1, kInd, 3
>>> > outs aL, aR
>>> > endin
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > i2 0 60
>>> > e
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > ```
>>> >
>>> > Anton
>>> > Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
>>> Csound mailing list
>>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
>>> https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND
>>> Send bugs reports to
>>>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2019-01-06 18:58
Fromjoachim heintz
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Trying to wrap my head around reinit, can not get it right
i think linenr offers with the iatdec parameter an option for different 
decay curves, too.

On 06/01/19 19:41, Steven Yi wrote:
> Glad that's useful.  I suppose that depending on the duration of
> fades, you might also consider an equal-power or other fade.  The fade
> system I have in Blue is based on the code from Ardour:
> https://github.com/kunstmusik/blue/blob/develop/blue-score-layers-audio-core/src/blue/score/layers/audio/core/blue_fade.udo
> transegr might be a good opcode to consider too.
> All best!
> Steven
> On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 10:19 AM Anton Kholomiov
>  wrote:
>> Indeed that approach looks promising, I need to try it out. and crossfade between samples is easy to do in this case.
>> I can just use linsegr.
>> вс, 6 янв. 2019 г. в 18:15, Anton Kholomiov :
>>> Thanks. for hint Steven!
>>> i wasn't aware that it's possible to negate named instruments!
>>> There is always something new to learn about Csound!
>>> вс, 6 янв. 2019 г. в 04:26, Steven Yi :
>>>> Hi Anton,
>>>> I never really like using reinit myself and largely avoid it by using
>>>> a strategy to turn off previous instances and start new instances.  If
>>>> you have a release-time envelope, this would allow you to fade out the
>>>> previous instrument.
>>>> I tested this code in live.csound.com:
>>>> instr Sine
>>>>   icps = p4
>>>>   asig = poscil(0.25, icps)
>>>>   asig *= linsegr(1, 0.1, 1, 2, 0)
>>>>   out(asig, asig)
>>>> endin
>>>> schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 440)
>>>> schedule(-nstrnum("Sine"), 0, 0)
>>>> schedule("Sine", 0, -1, 880)
>>>> I can eval the first schedule, then eval the next two lines together
>>>> to turn off the first sine and start the second one.
>>>> In my mind, the code is fairly clear for intention. You could use
>>>> numbered instruments and fractional numbers for managing voice
>>>> allocations if that fits the use case.
>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>> Steven
>>>> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 6:23 AM Anton Kholomiov
>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> I'm trying to understand reinit but seems to do smth wrong.
>>>>> Here is my case:
>>>>> I'd like to be able to play several audio files with single diskin2.
>>>>> I can pass array of files and index in the file. When I change the index
>>>>> I can trigger reinit and load another file to diskin2. this was not so hard to do.
>>>>> But now I've got two phases:
>>>>> * fade out old file
>>>>> * file reload
>>>>> And this where I'm stuck. I'm trying various combos of reinit and timout
>>>>> but can not get it right.
>>>>> here is my code so far:
>>>>> It's as close as I could get, but unfortunately it ignores the code inside  fade_out label.
>>>>> So the code inside it is not reinit'ed
>>>>> and I can not figure out why...
>>>>> ```
>>>>> ; Select audio/midi flags here according to platform
>>>>> -odac  -d   ;;;realtime audio out
>>>>> ;-iadc    ;;;uncomment -iadc if realtime audio input is needed too
>>>>> ; For Non-realtime ouput leave only the line below:
>>>>> ; -o oscili.wav -W ;;; for file output any platform
>>>>> sr = 44100
>>>>> ksmps = 32
>>>>> nchnls = 2
>>>>> 0dbfs  = 1
>>>>> opcode AmbiRow, aa, S[]kki
>>>>> Sfiles[], kSpeed, kUserIndex, iFadeTime xin
>>>>> kNext init 0
>>>>> iSize lenarray Sfiles
>>>>> fade_out:
>>>>>   prints "Do fade\n", 0.001
>>>>>   kenv linseg 1, iFadeTime, 0, 1, 0
>>>>>   rireturn
>>>>> load_file:
>>>>>   kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
>>>>>   prints "Do load: %d\n", 0.001, kNext
>>>>>   iIndex = i(kNext)
>>>>>   if (iIndex >= 0) && (iIndex < iSize) then
>>>>>     Sfile = Sfiles[iIndex]
>>>>>     iStop = 0
>>>>>   else
>>>>>     iStop = 1
>>>>>   endif
>>>>>   if iStop == 0 then
>>>>>     aLeft, aRight diskin2 Sfile, kSpeed
>>>>>   else
>>>>>     aLeft = 0
>>>>>     aRight = 0
>>>>>   endif
>>>>>   rireturn
>>>>> kenv linseg 0, iFadeTime, 1, 1, 1
>>>>> kUserIndex = floor(kUserIndex)
>>>>> aLeft init 0
>>>>> aRight init 0
>>>>> kTrig changed kUserIndex
>>>>> kTrigChange delayk kTrig, iFadeTime
>>>>> kSkipFirst linseg 0, iFadeTime + 0.1, 0, 0.1, 1
>>>>> kTrigChange = kTrigChange * kSkipFirst
>>>>> if (kTrig == 1) && (kNext != kUserIndex) then
>>>>>   printks "Fade out: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>>>>>   kNext = kUserIndex
>>>>>   reinit fade_out
>>>>> endif
>>>>> if kTrigChange == 1 then
>>>>>   printks "Change: %d\n", 0.001, kUserIndex
>>>>>   reinit load_file
>>>>> endif
>>>>> xout kenv * aLeft, kenv * aRight
>>>>> endop
>>>>> instr 2
>>>>> kRandInd randi 3, 1
>>>>> kGate metro (1/6)
>>>>> kInd samphold kRandInd, kGate
>>>>> kInd = abs(kInd)
>>>>> Sfiles[] init 3
>>>>> Sfiles[0] strcpy "samples/pad-maj-base-1.wav"
>>>>> Sfiles[1] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-1.wav"
>>>>> Sfiles[2] strcpy "samples/pad-min-base-2.wav"
>>>>> aL, aR AmbiRow Sfiles, 1, kInd, 3
>>>>> outs aL, aR
>>>>> endin
>>>>> i2 0 60
>>>>> e
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Anton
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