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new user and a few problems

Date1999-07-09 12:40
Subjectnew user and a few problems

I've been programming in Csound for about 10 days now, CSound PPC 3.51 on 
a macintosh.
I've finished a few random beat-generating instruments that generate a 
p-field specified number of 'hits' within it's on-time, and quantizes 
them according to a p-field specified beat subdivision. 
Also a global tempo instrument which does pretty much what the t command 
does in the score, but also generates a gktempo that can be used by other 
instruments (for instance the quantization in the random instrument.

I've sitched to a spreadsheet program for generating the scores, wich 
works really well. 

There are however a few opcodes in the manual that are not recoginized by 
the x-class noise generators in the init variety (Ihaven'T tried the k 
and a rates yet.)
f.i. inumber ilinrand 100 is not recognized.

2)wgpluck2 always results in the message that there are too few 

3)doscil isn't recognized

Another strange effect excists when using nlfilt in an instrument where a 
global a-rate variable is assigned some value (not necessarily the output

ar nlfilt ain,ka,kb,kd,kL,kC

When ka or kb <=0 there is no sound generated after the first (I think) 
ksmps burst (there is only short tick. There is also an upper bound I 
think somewhere around 5.
This effect (bug) doesn't happen when there is no ga variable present in 
the instrument.
Also, I think in the manual the kL and kC values are swapped in the 
examples (the results were more interesting anyway)

I would like to hear more about how this filter works. Can anybody post a 
webadress where I can find the original article mentioned in the manual. 

But csound is certainly fun to work with.