| Thanks one and all: I'm happily confident of my mailing list presence
and my Scot problems are solved.
Truly, many hearty thanks.
******I've tried to post this to the mailing list one time already, but
it didn't seem to work (not in the recent archive); this is the first
post i've ever made, so I'm not at all sure that i'm doing it correctly.
Could someone *please* respond to this for me on May 19, just as a test,
even if you can't answer my question?
thankyou, thankyou, thankyou**********
Hello good csound people:
I'm obviously very newbie and missing some obvious point. The csound
manual describes "Scot" as:
...a language for describing scores in a fashion that parallels
traditional music notation. Scot is
also the name of a program which translates scores written in this
language into standard numeric
score format so that the score can be performed by Csound. The result of
this translation is placed
in a file called score. A score file written in Scot (named file.sc,
say) can be sent through the
translator by the command
scot file.sc
I thought I downloaded all the necessaries, but don't find any
'scot.exe' anywhere. I've been back and forth to various ftp sites, but
can't find it there. What I really want is anyway to make the writing
of a score file more like writing in 'traditional music notation.'
Thanks so much in advance. Csound is amazing!
Hawkeye Parker
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