| Hi,
The tricky thing when using samples with Csound's grain opcode is that the
frequency indicates the rate at which the *entire* sound file is scanned
since there is way to indicate a base frequency. So if you want the
granular sound to be approximately the same pitch as the sample be sure to
indicate a frequency of 1/sample length.
Below is an example. Note: Take out the line wraps.
Hans Mikelson
; Basic Granular Sampler Synthesis
instr 4
idur = p3
iamp = p4
ifqc = p5
igrtab = p6
iwintab = p7
ifrng = p8
idens = p9
ifade = p10
igdur = p11
iamprng = p12
kamp linseg 0, ifade, 1, idur-2*ifade, 1, ifade, 0
; Amp Fqc Dense AmpOff PitchOff GrDur GrTable
WinTable MaxGrDur
aoutl grain p4, ifqc, idens, 100*iamprng, ifqc*ifrng, igdur, igrtab,
iwintab, 5
aoutr grain p4, ifqc, idens, 100*iamprng, ifqc*ifrng, igdur, igrtab,
iwintab, 5
outs aoutl*kamp, aoutr*kamp
f2 0 524288 1 "soundin.11" 0 4 0
f7 0 1024 8 0 512 1 512 0
; Start Dur Amp Freq GrTab WinTab FqcRng Dens Fade GrDur AmpRng
i4 0.0 2 20000 .08 2 7 .021 200 .2 .1 1