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Re: [Csnd] New site !!!!

Date1999-11-01 16:35
FromVarga István
SubjectRe: [Csnd] New site !!!!
Josep M Comajuncosas  wrote:

> how is your ASR piano supposed to work? The samples sound pretty good. I
> really need a good piano to play with and it could be perfectly that
> one.

The archive contains a C program that pre-processes the samples for correct
loop handling; unfortunately this package will not work on Windows, but I
will upload a preprocessed version tomorrow, that should be portable.

To use the instrument you need to do the following:

    copy ASR10_piano.include.orc and ASR10_piano.include.sco to INCDIR

    copy the directory "ASR10_piano" (with the samples) to SSDIR

An example orc and sco file using the piano:

-------- pianotest.orc --------

sr = 44100
kr = 1378.125
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 1

#include "ASR10_piano.include.orc"

    instr 1

icps = 440   ; freq. = 440 Hz
ifn = 100 ; using 24 ftables starting from 100


; the macro really works like some sort
; of "opcode" (and uses a rather high quality
; 16-point interpolation)

; you may add envelopes etc. here

    out afoo


-------- pianotest.sco --------

#include "ASR10_piano.include.sco"

t 0 60

i 1 0 5

; load ftables to 100 .. 123





 - the include files are in unix format, so you need to convert them on
Windows; this can be done by opening them with "edit.exe" and saving the file.
 - the sco file uses absolute path to load the samples, change it to the
directory where you installed the piano samples (warning: do not change
loop points, tuning parameters, or other such data)
