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Re: midi-real time

Date1999-06-06 18:09
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: midi-real time
Here's one. It's for AXCsound and you'll have to edit the command section of
the file to get it work with regular Csound.

-----Original Message-----
From: KH 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk 
Date: Sunday, June 06, 1999 12:54 PM
Subject: midi-real time

>    I'm new to the list
>I'm a composer, and 'been working with Csound about one year.
>Using OpenMusic to write scores. OpenMusic is a CommonLisp interactive
>environement for computer assisted composition
>developed at IRCAM,  I've written & ported a library for this purpose.
>I'm also working on another lib for writing orchestras. (The libraries
>are a collection of functions).
>   I would like to ask if it is possible to "patch" a midi keyboard  and
>have Csound playing in realtime. Can somebody please send an example of
>orc&score which is able to do that.
>    Thank you very much.
>    1 good Csounding
>        Karim