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Re: problem with wave files on 3.52

Date1999-08-07 22:58
Fromrasmus ekman
SubjectRe: problem with wave files on 3.52
Kurt S Nelson wrote:
> Rasmus wrote on 7/22/99:
> >- in the dir defined by SFDIR/SSDIR/SADIR, depending on what
> This, however, is not true.  I can put the target file in any of these
> three directories, 

Directories called "C:\random\SFDIR" etc are not good enough, 
they must be set by using the DOS "set" command, like:

    set SFDIR=F:\Random\MyLittleSounds

etc. (and no space after that equals sign). Best is to add the lines
in autoexec.bat, else run a batch file or type at the command line 
_of_the_same_dos_session_ as where you're running commandline csound from. 
Opening a dos window, doing something, and then closing it won't help.

> I downloaded Winsound, but it  won't launch correctly.  It skips the 
> main dialog box, and jumps directly to the "Press OK to exit" box,

Possibly it's this: You must have the file "Csound.txt" where csound 
can find it. Yep.
"But shouldn't the same folder as the Winsound exe be good enough?"
Hehehe, (*ahem*) NO SIR! - It must be in SFDIR or SSDIR or SADIR or 
whatever directory happens to be "current" when you start it. 
Nothing else.
Well, ok, you can set the special environ. variable CSSTRNGS (sic) too:

    set CSSTRNGS=C:\the_bloody\winsound\folder

or use the -j command line flag. See help file for order of
precedence among these fascinating variations.
("This isn't Rebirth y'know...")

A little more details in the section about environment variables 
on my page about installing Csound.
Also in the Csound Winhelp file under topics as "Getting started",
"Environment variables" etc. 
