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Re: f1f0 and other off topic?

Date1999-05-27 18:05
From"Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant"
SubjectRe: f1f0 and other off topic?
learn how to count

Date1999-05-27 19:14
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
SubjectCSound PPC 3.54
new version up on the bath site. source and home page will updated soon
(probably with 3.55)
NOTE: you need the extra "csound.txt" file (see below)
	Csound for Power Macintosh
This Version: 
	fFitch code base	3.54
	Perf "engine"		3.54
	Csound "front end"  1.1.3
Available From:
changes from 3.51 (the last public release)
- Upgraded source to 3.54
  Note: this version requires an additional file
  "csound.txt" to be inside your "perf" directory
  or one of the sound/analysis directories.
- Fixed "premature termination" in anals

Front End:
- nil
Please email bugs to csound-dev@mills.edu