| You might also want to check out jMax at http://www.ircam.fr/jmax/. The
advantage for me personally is that unlike Max/MSP it is (supposed) to be
multi-platform with imminent releases will be for IRIX and Linux, with Mac
OS X and WinNT versions "envisaged" for 1999. This remains to be seen
though, as the Beta releases don't even seem to be available yet... did
anyone see the demonstrations at the AES convention or the ICMC?
best wishes
On Thurs 26th Nov, Drew Skyfyre wrote
>Just thought I'd air out a few things regarding real-time
>music software on the PowerMac. First, to be honest, I
>put Csound aside a few months ago, since the performance
>on PowerMac really started to put me off.
>I've recently been looking into other options.