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DLS Level 1 (on PC)

Date1999-01-12 01:35
FromSergey Batov
SubjectDLS Level 1 (on PC)
Dear Csounders!

Not long ago I've bought PCI soudcard on YAMAHA YMF724A chip set.
(Look at http://www.atrend.com.tw). The manufacturer promises
"Downloadable Sounds (DLS) Level 1 support." There was not any soft for it,
I tried to find something in WWW. And I found Miles Sound Tools on
.  This is a soft synthesizer and  it
can use DLS Level 1 for playing MIDI-files on ANY soundcard
with CODEC. DLS Level 1files can be made from .wav  or .aif by Awave
The questions are:
1) Can anybody recommend  another programs like Miles Sound Tools (I'm
afraid  the results of  Miles Sound Tools are not the best)?
2) Is anywhere full description of DLS Level 1 format?
3) May be someone has soundcard like this? What about hardware support of

P.S. DLS Level 1 format allows to use soundcard as a sampler. Of course,
can do it much better!  Well, I just want to work out own opinion about DLS
Level 1 and
(may be) then to forget about it  for a long time.

Thank you,