Yes. Upon reviewing my csound mailbox, I think it's perfectly valid as a
csound resource. There is a certain amount of 'noise'; but it always stems
somehow from csound or DSP somehow. I consider someone like "=cw4tFabs" or
whatever a general nuisance, but far less bothersome than the counterpart
role on many other lists. Besides, there's always the Delete key. Or
Ctrl-D. Or whatever....
And if it were no longer a csound list, there would be NO central csound
community for information central to the code itself and the latest
At 09:00 AM 5/16/98 -0500, Hans Mikelson wrote:
>Richard Dobson wrote:
>>Csound is the kernel underwriting all the posts to the list
>I agree with this. I think the reason the list ranges so widely in topic
>matter and no one complains, is that Csounders have such wide interests and
>people can relate almost any topic to Csound one way or another.
>Hans Mikelson
thank you for your bandwidth