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Re: More on floats in Midi

Date1998-04-28 03:48
FromLarry Troxler
SubjectRe: More on floats in Midi
Michael Gogins wrote:

> ...Plus, I do think the speed gained by keeping the transmission protocol
> binary would be worth something. There is never such a thing as enough
> speed.

I suppose it depends on what the transmission medium is. Certainly if
you're talking about TCP/IP, the extra bytes would be irrelevant
compared to the TCP/IP overhead.

And while, yes, the stuff has to be dealt with in binary eventually
anyway, I'm not convinced that the drawbacks of the extra conversion
overhead are significant these days. And obviously, if you're thinking
of desktop-hosted software audio synthesis, than  the extra processing
is going to be completely insignificant compared to the audio synthesis.

If you *do* decide to transmit binrary info across a network, then which
format do you use? Which byte-order? etc, etc...
--  Larry Troxler --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --