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Re: Linux or not to linux?

Date1999-02-17 15:30
FromBen Jefferys
SubjectRe: Linux or not to linux?
jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:

> Just to (attempt to) upset you, I find Linux much les stable than
> Windows95.  I have not had a Windows crash for moinths, while Linux
> crashes about twice or three times a week, alway when I log out.

Crashes, as in requires a reboot? You can't switch to any other virtual
terminals? Which distribution? If you don't require a reboot, what
specifically crashes?

Linux requires more expertise on the part of the user than Windows. I
have had lots of problems with Linux, but they are always satisfactorily
solved, but I doubt more than 1% of Windows users could have solved the
problems on their own. With Windows many problems have defeated me
entirely, requiring a reinstall from scratch before things start to work
properly. But most little problems can be sorted using the online help
and some basic skills.

They are two different things aimed at different people... if you can
hack it, use Linux!
