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Re: Csound+Math question?

Date1999-03-09 18:28
From"Dr J.Stevenson's research assistant"
SubjectRe: Csound+Math question?
  Huh? have you had any math classes past 7th grade?:
---U wrote:----
When I see " ...it must be a power of 2..", in the Csound manual
mentioned several times, what does "a Power of 2" mean.
2 to the powere 2 = 4,2 to the power 3=8, 2 to the power 4=16, etc
2*2=4,			2*2*2=8,		2*2*2*2=16, etc
the set of all numbers 2^x where x= ...,-1,0,1,2,... is a power of 2
mathmatical formulas, as in how to read them, knowing what all the / and
( )* mean