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Re: PFE editor for Win95

Date1998-06-05 23:57
FromRichard Dobson
SubjectRe: PFE editor for Win95
This will happen regardless of the editor used. Winsound is a very modal
program, which only responds to Windows messages (e.g. to redraw  windows)
when the code allows it to - which is not very often! In this case, it will
be almost entirely unresponsive until you quit the editor. There is an easy
solution, but it would have the side effect that multiple instances of your
editor would be started every time you click on the  > button.

Richard Dobson

Mark T Vigorito wrote:

> Hi,
>         A few weeks back someone (I forget who) suggested a freeware text
> editor called PFE for use with csound. I downloaded the program and I've
> found it very useful. It does have one quirk when using it with winsound:
> After invoking PFE with the ">" button on the winsound console, you must
> fully close PFE in order to get the winsound window back. If you minimize
> PFE, the winsound window does not refresh properly. Does anyone have any
> idea whether this is a problem with winsound? of PFE?? or both
> interacting??? Admittedly, this is a minor irritation since PFE loads so
> quickly, but it would be nice to keep it open & just minimize it.
> Cheers,
> Mark Vigorito
> mtv@u.arizona.edu