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Date1999-08-25 09:26
FromPeter Neubacker
schedule does work!

The hint from Gerard van Dongen
to reinit it was the point!

Below you find an example
of an auto-composing orc.



f 1 0 1024 -10 1 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3
f 0 3600      ; run for ... seconds
i 1 0 1       ; start realtime composing instrument


sr        =    22050
kr        =    220.5
ksmps     =    100
nchnls    =    2

giwave    =    1

instr 1  ; example event generating instrument: a simple fractal loop
ihold                                          ; Run forever
kx1      init    0                             ;
kx2      init    0                             ;
idur     =       1.5                           ;
ispeed   =       6                             ;
ktime    phasor  ispeed                        ; Timer for
ktrig    trigger ktime, 0.5, 0                 ; event generation
if (ktrig<0.5)   goto noevent                  ;
kx1      =       kx1 * kx1 - 1.74              ; Some simple fractal
kx2      =       kx2 * kx2 - 1.7499            ; parameter generation
kamp     =       0.05 + (kx2+2) / 4 * 0.9      ;
kcps     =       200 + 100 * kx1 / 2           ;
igoto noevent                                  ; Don't schedule
initsched:                                     ; at first init
        schedule 2, 0, idur, i(kamp), i(kcps)  ;
reinit initsched                               ; reinit schedule
                                               ; for each event
noevent:                                       ;
endin                                          ;

instr 2     ; sound generating instrument

kenv     expon    1, 1, 0.01
kamp     =        20000*p4*kenv
asig     oscili   kamp, p5, giwave
         outs     asig, asig
