Re: "foutir", RT MIDI vs. non-rt equivalent instruments.
Hello Larry
I as well would love to have some opcode that would convert or be able
to assign
frequency to a particular midi note number
say converting midi # 60 to 256hz instead of of 261.6hz
but i think the problem might be on the midi side.
it would have to do some pitch bend type of function for what i am
looking for
which is basically instant midi Just Intonation instead of midi tuning
which tend (at least my old TX81z) to have an error of 1.56 hz which
from one
note to the other might be unhearble in melodic sequences but in drone
you can hear it.
I am probably off-base a bit on this comment because i have not been
your whole thread but i can't help thinking about "in a silver Scale" an
what it
was trying to achieve~it just needs to happen with midi!
Hope i am not too far off topic
Pat Pagano, Director
South East Just Intonation Society |