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Date1998-05-30 23:56
FromJean Piche
> Back on the topic of everybody's fav freeware, in a few weeks, I hope to
> release ver0.5beta of my Csound Scorefile editing
> PerlModule/Application.
> This is a call for ideas..for me to incorporate or ignore.
> Are there any editing commands one would like to see?
> (for example, we got: set, scale, shift, paramater Value, apply env.
> (simple
> breakpoint), invert around, and several value converters...as well as
> the
> ability to select the edited lines by start-time, >,<,or == arb.
> parameter
> value.  also a few value generators. And the whole thing is embedded in
> The basic program flow is :
> 1)load orc/sco combo: (go through orc setup program, if
> first time using orc with editor)(also this editor will (to the best of
> it's ability), replace score shortcuts (.,>, etc.) in scores. It also
> has the limitation that it only can edit one section at a time.)
> 2) either enter arbitrary Perl to be evaluated, or
>     be prompted through edits
> 3) listen to and/or save the results as ?
> 4) back to 2, or EXIT.


Can you give a preview of the syntax flavour?

Jean Piche
Universite de Montreal