| Message written at 17 May 1998 13:30:05 +0100
--- Copy of mail to DBoothe@lyrick.com ---
(message from David Boothe on Wed, 13 May 1998 18:43:22 -0500)
Now I am confused. I cannot see a # character in your example, and it
is that character which triggers the error message
error: Unknown # option, line 14:
The line number may be wrong in the distributed version. Do you have
a # in a comment? That is supposed to work but may not.
I would like the actual orc/sco you are using so I can deal with the
==John ffitch
> Thank you, Richard. That fixed it with Winsound 3.47. I downloaded
> Winsound 3.481 in the meantime (thinking that might solve the problem),
> and get the following compile-time errors (I don't know what they mean):
> error: Unknown # option, line 14:
> irandw = p10 ;rand window size bw (in samps)
> error: Unknown # option, line 15:
> ioverlap = p11 ;dens of overlapping windows |