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Re: my apology (question about de !ntegr!t! ov ur m9nd konta!nr)

Date1999-04-16 16:14
SubjectRe: my apology (question about de !ntegr!t! ov ur m9nd konta!nr)
>I'm sorry!
>Today I allowed tactlessness in formulating
>question about algorithms for DX7.
>The only reason why I didn't refer to Russell Pinkston
>as author of those algorithms was sleepless night and
>(as a result) "twilight of mind" in the morning.
>Excuse me again.

uauee.zauee.  hallo zever!n.

embedd !n dze kurnt ekonom!k kompet!z!on
= 1 human undrtak!ng ov ztager!ng zkope.

perfecz!on ov all d!nam!kx relatd 2 cha!n!ng !n modrn `z!v!l!zd` l!f 4rmz.

r u 1 moDl c!t!zn oDr  +?

evnt du != auare !knou!ng 1+1 error = !nd!kat!v ov !ntel!gensz
= 1 zuprb atr!but. zttz++

zpekulat!on = dze dog s!ghd dze !ns!ns!re + p!t! seek!ng s!gh ov 1 zpo!lt an!ml
k!tt! laughd 1 laugh muz!kl + mal!c!ouz

alorz. au revo!r - dog l!ke kond!z!on - du b!zt es++