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Date1998-04-29 23:43
>... question: "But how does it sound?"

akadem!a doeznt konsern !tzccc11 w!th such maTTerz

>we won't have much to say except that we're becoming our
>machines which we're not!  ( =cw4t7abs)

az ment!ond prev!ousl+e
1 maschine = an+e kauzaL phizikL zystem
1 maschine = an+e phyzikL zystem wh!ch oprtz ackording 2dz!e ckauzaL lawz
ov phyzicx.
tzo. ever+e.th!nG dzere !z _\- !z 1- maschine.

=cw4t7abs = anti.akadem!k zku!sch zku!sch by both ecztremz = play+z!r

>You cannot compute emotions.

Emotion is a human experience,
nature kannot kompute emot!onz
!f nature kan do !t 1 komputer kan.

>Emotion is a human experience, it
>cannot and will not ever be engineered in software.

= often dze ultra v!le postz tranzlate 2 mozt beaut!ful no!sz

>" Composing" , in the "classic" sense,

t!me = !lx2nesz

>Remember we're all going to get reduced to a wave file.

not 4 v.much longr.
why muzt muz!k v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere b.
why muz!k muzt v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere b.
why muz!k v!olent muzt aga!nzt atmosphere b.
why muz!k v!olent aga!nzt muzt atmosphere b.
why muz!k v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere muzt b.
why muz!k v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere b muzt.
muzt why muz!k v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere b.
b muzt why muz!k v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere.
atmosphere b muzt why muz!k v!olent aga!nzt.
aga!nzt atmosphere b muzt why muz!k v!olent.
v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere b muzt why muz!k.
muz!k v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere b muzt why.
why muz!k v!olent aga!nzt atmosphere b muzt.
+muss jetzt gehen.
s!lensz = besser
als [eff!c!ent++]

>Hmmm... have you investigated Cecilia? A wonderful tool.

unabl 2lokate matter wh!ch !nnovat!v = !n cecilia.
[pardon mons!eur] muss jetzt gehen.

pzb.-\matter wh!ch !nnovat!v !n cecilia
= onl+e zomwhat pleazant akadem!k gfx des!gn
odr dzen thonk 0+2\ aber !t = zekz!St

reflekt!ng dze !nfer!or
hT Tp:// !zt null