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Drum Orc/Sco

Date1999-02-03 04:15
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectDrum Orc/Sco

Here is a simple drum sound based around noise filtered with pareq.

Good luck,
Hans Mikelson


sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2

; Noise Drum
       instr   5

idur   =       p3           ; Duration
iamp   =       p4           ; Amplitude
ifqc   =       cpspch(p5)   ; Pitch
iq     =       p6           ; Quality factor
ivol   =       p7           ; Volume
iton   =       p8           ; Drum tone

kfqcl   expseg  .1*ifqc, idur, 2*ifqc  ; Low shelf frequency
kq      expseg  .1*ifqc, idur, 2*ifqc  ; EQ sweep quality
kfqch   expseg  10*ifqc, idur, .5*ifqc ; High shelf frequency

anz   rand     iamp     ; white noise

a1    pareq    anz, kfqcl, ivol,   iq, 1 ; Low shelf sweep
a2    pareq    anz, ifqc,  1/ivol, kq, 0 ; EQ sweep
a3    pareq    anz, kfqch, ivol,   iq, 2 ; High shelf sweep

adclk expseg   iamp/10, .002, iamp, idur-.002, iamp/100 ; Amplitude envelope

aout  =        ((a2-a3)+(a2-a1)*iton) ; Mix it up to sound nice

      outs     aout*adclk/5000, aout*adclk/5000 ; Scale, amp and output



f1 0 1024 10 1

;  Sta  Dur  Amp   Pitch  Q    Cut/Boost  Tone
i5 0    .2   9000  8.00   1    .1         1
i5 +    .    .     8.00   1    .1         4
i5 .    .    .     8.00   1    .1         6
i5 .    .    .     8.00   1    .1         10

i5 .    .2   9000  8.00   1    .1         8
i5 .    .    .     7.00   1    .1         6
i5 .    .    .     6.07   1    .1         4
i5 .    .    .     6.00   1    .1         2

i5 .    .2   9000  8.00   1    .1         1
i5 .    .    .     7.00   10   .2         4
i5 .    .    .     6.07   20   .3         6
i5 .    .    .     6.00   40   .4         10