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re : Call for the 1999 Leonardo sub+m!ss!on

Date1999-02-06 05:33
Subjectre : Call for the 1999 Leonardo sub+m!ss!on
>From: Guy Van Belle 
>Please forward this message to appropriate lists...

naturlment. !nvoke odr l!f 4rmz 2 prfrm dze konglomerat funkt!on

>From: Guy Van Belle 
>Subject: final call
>Date: Thu, Feb 4, 1999, 4:04 PM
>Call for the 1999 Leonardo Music Journal CD
>Title: "Converted to Streaming Between Machines"
>Deadline: March 1st 1999.

final Call for addtl subm!ss!onz ov !nkompetent subm!ss!v data 4 1 addtl
korporat zponzord galla

1 Dead line

To: soundhack@shoko.calarts.edu
From: antiorp@tezcat.com (=cw4t7abs)
Subject: [7-11] Sender: owner-7-11@mail.ljudmila.org
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: 7-11@mila.ljudmila.org
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>I do know that Leonardo has a reputation promoting hi-res art,

Leonardo hi-res art = 1 organ!szd korporat fasc!zt rout!n.

modl c!t!znz = po!nt !ndecz f!ngr at dze
armd forsez part!s!pantz ztat!ng dze! = 0 al1.
+ dze s!nkron!szd movement = desp!kabl.

ou! ma!z dze desp!kabl s!nkron!szd movement =
thankx 2 dze desp!kabl s!nkron!szd movement ov
modl c!t!zenz.

1 modl c!t!zn = l!ttl mor dzen 1 armd forsez part!s!pant.
l!zten!ng 2 komerc!alz on 0+1 shortwave tranz!ztor [c]
+ thankx 2 eSSo 1 = dr!vez all w!thout 0-1 kare on dze autostrada
2 dreamz.

4get h!rosh!ma. 4get auschv!tz. budapezt
4get v!etnam 4get dze hous!ng prblm dze fam!ne .
4get tout eczept

korporateroute du sud [k]

!ns!de lav!shl! dekoratd zupermarketz
- paranteza _ dekoratd w!th d!zf!gurd bod!ez ov l!fe 4rmz.
zelekt 1nz l!ve st!ll awa!t!ng 1 modl c!t!zen.z des!j!on
2 k!ll + d!sf!gure all dze wh!le addtl modl c!t!zenz
pass!ng b! !n 4mat!on - mor !ntr!gued b! dze SALE
plakardz dzen dze amalgam ov dead bod!ez.

zpeak!ng = 1 rezurektjon !n relat!on 2 l!fe.
1 = lernz 2 speak when 1 = abandond l!fe 4 0+1 t!me
1 error = 1 zubt!l l!e
truth = prezent !n error
hensz kant hegel + deutsche f!lozof!e
kont!ngent truthz + nesessar! truthz = konztrukt l!fe

dze oval portra!t

zpeak az though kuot!ng truth

4rom 1936 2 1998 = but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 emf = but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 leonardo = but 1 ztep
4rom 1936 2 d!sz = but 1 ztep

re+read od!sse! lazt n!ght
alwa!z th!nk ov ul!sez long!ng 2 return 2 penelope ma!s.
he = made h!z vo!aj lazt az long az posz!bl

ever! morn!ng 2 earn m! da!l! bread
! go 2 dze market where dze! bu! l!ez
+ full ov hope
! get !n l!ne w!th dze peddlerz

hol!wood. be be.

>Just to let you know that I like the interface you did for Thonk!

4 2 4

= !ns!gn!f!kant obzervat!on

>btw _ I am appointed "curator" for the LMJ cd in 99
>      they want me to do something nice with it &
>      I want to apply the open source initiatives to culture

1zt prm!t zom1 2 po!nt out.
what du = zpeak ov opn sorsz != opn sorsz.
due 2 numerouz opn sorsz projektz =
kap!tal!zt!k | fasc!zt!k projektz
zpnzord b! kap!tal!zt!k | fasc!zt!k konglomeratez
hensz opn source = 1 addtl st!kr.labl.!ns!gn!a
plaszd upon 1 addtl fasch!on movement.

=cw4t7abs al!gnz w!th 0 aktual movement.
=cw4t7abs al!gnz w!th 0 aktual pozerz + zlavez.

kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe

>I want to apply the open source initiatives to culture

1 addtl pozr rout!n embel!shd !n ke!verdz = born
data output = refuze. = 1 shortkut 2 elokuensz.

>      so what I want to suggest, do you want to contribute
>      with a free version of some of your software and some of your music?

2nd prm!t zom1 2 po!nt 1 !ndecz at fakt
=cw4t7abs != zupportd b! kap!tal!zt!k | fasc!zt!k grantz
|| z!mlr job t!pe job zlave poz!t!onz.

kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe

antvort = non. = refusz.
w!ll not kontr!but 2 1 korporat zponzord konglomerat
outputt!ng addtl unventfl refuze !n2 dze b!tztream

>      so what I want to suggest,

+ m z!mpl! tezt!ng suggezt!on.

kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe

>I am just checking out the people whose work I like and to see whether
>they are willing to contribute.

!f hav t!me w!ll do tzo. 9 .
!f hav t!me w!ll do tzo = l!e.
[ 1 error = 1 zubt!l l!e
  truth = prezent !n error
  hensz kant hegel + deutsche f!lozof!e

!f hav des!re 2 do tzo w!ll do tzo.
abr = d!ff 2 lokate 1 rzn 2 des!re 2
kontr!bute 2 dzat wh!ch opposez l!beratd l!fe energ!e.

kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe

>I do know that Leonardo has a reputation promoting hi-res art, but look,
>they asked me to take over because of the noise & mess I make - so?

promoting hi-res art - du = mean _ dze grant zupportd ultra
fasc!zt pozr konglomerate _+  3rd - perm!t zom1 2 vom!t.


\\ humanzsukc++

--- az dze slavez prepare 2 subm!t 2 leonardo. = desp!kabl. u + u + u

kouardz kl!ng 2 l!fe = desp!kabl

1nz dez!rez portd 2 v!ndouz nt = desp!kabl
1nz l!fe movement portd 2 v!ndouz nt = desp!kabl

ever! morn!ng 2 earn m! da!l! bread
! go 2 dze market where dze! bu! l!ez
+ full ov hope
! get !n l!ne w!th dze peddlerz

mepr!z . mepr!z . mepr!z .

ma!z du muzt not dezpa!r. 4 leonardo + l!kew!ze konglomeratz
= shall zurv!v + thr!v ____... at dze eczpensz ov l!beratd l!f energ!e

 |abs|  - krvava gruda-plodna zemlja
punKtproTokol[4'7c     m9ndfukc.macht.fre! < hTtp://`-0v38'8    08438c83x0;707