It looks like your window size is 1 sample long! Try making in 2000 and
then also make the random windowsize something like 200.
Richard Karpen
On Wed, 13 May 1998, David Boothe wrote:
> Hello Csounders-
> According the documentation on sndwarp::
> "Time and frequency modification are indepentant from one another."
> I have not been able to get this to happen. Changing xtimewarp modifies
> time and pitch by the same factor, while changing xresample has no
> effect. Compiling the orc/sco files below gives a very good
> representation of the original sound file, with silence padding out the
> end. (soundin.599 is a 440 Hz sine wave 65536 samples long in aiff
> format), Changing p5 and p6 to .5 creates a sine wave twice as long and
> an octave lower. Changing p7 and p8 to .5, or anything else, has no
> effect. I have tried it with RT Sound 1.9 (implementing Csound 3.47) and
> Winsound 3.477. What am I doing wrong? Thank you for your help.
> -dB
> (David M. Boothe, Audio Director
> Lyrick Studios, Dallas, TX)
> --------------
> ;orc file using soundin.599
> sr = 44100
> kr = 4410
> ksmps = 10
> nchnls = 1
> instr 01
> aamp = p4 ;amplitude scaling of samp
> iatim = p5 ;starting time factor
> ibtim = p6 ;ending time factor
> iapch = p7 ;starting pitch factor
> ibpch = p8 ;ending pitch factor
> iwsize = p9 ;window size in samps
> irandw = p10 ;rand window size bw (in samps)
> ioverlap = p11 ;dens of overlapping windows
> ifn1 = 71 ;ftable sound
> ifn2 = 81 ;ftable window
> ibeg = 0 ;where to start reading ftable
> itimemode = 0 ;make atimewarp scaling factor
> atimewarp line iatim, p3, ibtim ;time scaling
> aresample line iapch, p3, ibpch ;pitch scaling
> a1 sndwarp aamp, atimewarp, aresample, ifn1, /
> ibeg, iwsize, irandw, ioverlap, ifn2, itimemode
> out a1
> endin
> -----------------
> ;sco file using soundin.599
> f71 0 65536 -1 599 0 0 0 ;soundfile
> f81 0 512 20 1 ;Hamming Window
> ;p4 amplitude scaling of samp
> ;p5 starting time factor
> ;p6 ending time factor
> ;p7 starting pitch factor
> ;p8 ending pitch factor
> ;p9 window size in samps
> ;p10 rand window size bw (in samps)
> ;p11 dens of overlapping windows
> ;p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11
> i1 0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 10
> e