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Re: csound surround module: 8chan decoding

Date1999-08-25 01:19
FromRich Weisgerber
SubjectRe: csound surround module: 8chan decoding
I'm in way over my head on this but. . .
page 321-322 of "Computer Music" (book) by Dodge & Jerse (ISBN 0-02-864682-7) shows this instead.
I'm in the same boat you are, Torsten,  and haven't figured this part out yet but here's what they say regarding B-format encode/decode.
Ambisonics B-format encode:
X = S * cos(aa) * cos(ea)
Y = S * sin(aa) * cos(ea)
Z = S * sin(ea)
W = 1/sqrt(2) * S
S = input signal
aa = Azimuthal Angle
ea = Elevation Angle
Ambisonics B-format decode:
LFU = W + 1/sqrt(2) * (X + Y + Z)
RFU = W + 1/sqrt(2) * (X - Y + Z)
LBU = W + 1/sqrt(2) * (-X + Y + Z)
RBU = W + 1/sqrt(2) * (-X - Y + Z)
LFD = W + 1/sqrt(2) * (X + Y - Z)
RFD = W + 1/sqrt(2) * (X - Y - Z)
LBD = W + 1/sqrt(2) * (-X + Y - Z)
RBD = W + 1/sqrt(2) * (-X - Y - Z)
L= Left
R = Right
F = Front
B = Back
U = Up
D = Down
I still don't have a very good handle on what W is, some kind of Omnidirectional characteristic, but Huh?
W isn't quite clicking in my head yet..  ;-)
X, Y, & Z are cartesian coordinates for the location of individual sound source, yes?
I imagine further discussion on whether this is accurate belongs in sursound list as they Are Ambisonics over there.
They'd probably be able to give us some clues on the licensing aspects of this information and how it's used foir what purpose.
However, I am also interested in getting this working in Csound for my own work, even at my inherent snail's pace.
We'll see how this goes... or not..  ;-)
r out
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: csound surround module: 8chan decoding


although its really simple I needed a while to find the solution how to decode
the B-Format to eight channels. Here it is, if someone else may need it:

  a1        =           gaw+gax+gay+gaz         ; LEFT FRONT UPPER
  a2        =           gaw+gax-gay+gaz         ; RIGHT FRONT UPPER
  a3        =           gaw-gax-gay+gaz         ; RIGHT REAR UPPER
  a4        =           gaw-gax+gay+gaz         ; LEFT REAR UPPER
  a5        =           gaw+gax+gay-gaz         ; LEFT FRONT LOWER
  a6        =           gaw+gax-gay-gaz         ; RIGHT FRONT LOWER
  a7        =           gaw-gax-gay-gaz         ; RIGHT REAR LOWER
  a8        =           gaw-gax+gay-gaz         ; LEFT REAR LOWER  

            outo        a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8

gaw, gax etc. are the four channels of the B-Format, the numering depends on
our studio setup and may be changed of course.

Torsten Anders

Date1999-08-25 17:01
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
SubjectRe: csound surround module: 8chan decoding
im probably not the best to respond to all this, but oh well:

> page 321-322 of "Computer Music" (book) by Dodge & Jerse (ISBN 0-02-864682-7) shows this instead.

wow. im surprised its in there!
> Ambisonics B-format encode:

i might point out that this encode formula is for panning a mono source,
which i am guessing would sound pretty much like a
chowning-type "mover" orchestra...(although you have the speakers
working together rather than just 1 or2)

there are methods to take a mono source and synthesize image "width" - but
maybe someone else would be better to explain this...
> I still don't have a very good handle on what W is, some kind of
>Omnidirectional characteristic, but Huh?

yes - one way to think of it is as 4 microphones stacked on top of each
other: 3 figure of 8s pointed forward, left, and up and one
omni. (basically thats what i soundfield mic does - although i think the
capsules are arranged in a tetragon[or whatever the 4 sided regular
polygon-thing is called] and then does a translation to B-Format)
 > I imagine further discussion on whether this is accurate belongs in
>sursound list as they Are Ambisonics over there.

it doesnt really occur that much on sursound list (but it should!) - most
of sursound list talk is about recording/etc.. not

 > They'd probably be able to give us some clues on the licensing aspects
>of this information and how it's used foir what purpose.

as far as i understand, B-format/etc patent has run out and is public
domain - the only current patents exist for converting B-Format into Dolby
Surrond (g-Format)