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[ANNOUNCE] DirectCsound 2.9 available

Date1999-09-08 17:32
FromGabriel Maldonado
Subject[ANNOUNCE] DirectCsound 2.9 available
Hi all,
DirectCsound version 2.9 is available for download at the following


New version includes the following additions:


1) Synchronized with canonical version 3.58

2) Gen functions can now generate tables having non-power-of-two length,
by giving a negative length value.

3) poscil now can accept negative frequency values, and a-rate values
both for amplitude and frequency, so both AM and FM are allowed using
poscil. Also, differently by oscil family, they allow non-power-of-two
length tables.

4) tab and tabw opcodes, faster than table and tablew, accept
non-power-of-two length tables.

5) phasor now supports a much more precise phase generation, as phase is
stored into a double internal variable instad than float (like poscil
family). This removes some imprecision and distorsion (tics) when
writing and reading long tables.

6) Added latest opcodes of Peter Neubaecker and Jens Groh (though must
be tested).

7) wguide1 and wguide2 now accept both k and a-rate arguments for
frequency, in order to eliminate distorsion in vibratos and glissandos.

Happy DirectCsounding!

Gabriel Maldonado
