| I remember I had a similar problem initially. What you may want to
check is first of all what the command line looks like by selecting
Compile -> View Command Line,
and using that command line (which are actually the parameters given to
Csound) to run Csound. This will give you a chance to see any error
messages that might be generated. In my case the problem was the use of
the Windows-specific parameter -e, which for some reason is not
recognized in the standard Csound Windows executables. For that matter,
none of the Windows-specific parameters seem to be recognized. Anyway,
you can set the presence or absence of parameters like -e in the Global
-> Options menu of Visorc. And I can attest, Visorc does create sound
files on Windows 95. Hope this helps.
Job van Zuijlen
neuwirth wrote:
> i fear my desparate call for help did not make it to the list first time.
> perhaps somebody can help me getting visorc 1.75 to work on my win95
> machine.
> i installed visorc 1.7 and the upgrade to 1.75.
> and i am unable to prduce sound.
> i tried the versions in
> csound_con.zip
> csound95.zip
> csound_win.zip
> and i don't manage.
> is there any magic parameter i don't know for configuring?
> csound is started, but i always get a message
> no sound file was made
> starting csound manually, however, produces sound files.
> please help me
> erich neuwirth
> --
> Erich Neuwirth
> Computer Supported Didactics Working Group, Univ. Vienna |